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  • #524851

    Welcome to the boards, tonedeaf. In Lady Kenty’s absence, I feel it’s my duty to welcome you aboard.

    Happy posting.


    Do I detect a note of jealousy in savvy’s ‘final’ post?

    Perhaps Lady Kenty can afford what she has and what she does because she works for it? Surely that should be applauded rather than berated?

    Personally, I couldn’t care a jot about what people have or what they don’t. Ultimately we all share the same virtual space, and we hail from all walks of life.

    How about adopting a live and let live attitude, or is that just too much to ask?


    Flavoured Toffos. Except the banana ones. Just wrong.


    @coathanger wrote:


    I like the humble tone to your response.

    I, for one, am warming to you.


    Woods for the trees.


    @rogue trader wrote:

    haven’t a clue mate,im only replying so you don’t go in the no reply bin.

    You’re such a gent. A quality many miss I think.


    Having read your comment on the Anita thing, thought I’d give you a thrill to see the ‘1’ in the replies column.

    Oh, congratulations on 2012 thought provoking, insightful and philosophical posts.

    No smileys here. Deadly serious.


    Have you ever read a thread and thought….that’s 10 minutes of my life I’ll never get back.


    The more the merrier.


    @rogue trader wrote:

    id love to see a tale about those perpetual trollers moi and Gucci
    yes I know I can iggy but it spoils the flow
    what I cant get is….. well that’s the point I cant /don’t comprehend the whole moi concept
    people have tried to explain to me,,,, but hes funny cant you see?
    er no I cant honestly im not having a dig but I just don’t get the gig
    and he seems to have a fan club to back him up
    well when I say a fan club I mean one mad octogenarian who hangs on to his every word
    and then replies to his drunken tosh
    thus spamming the room even further
    its not on really and something should be done about it
    some nights the room is full 160 plus
    and a lot of chatters cant get a word in edgeways,and that’s the experienced ones
    god knows what up and coming new chatters think of this
    if anybody needs gagging its moi
    I was going to do a poll about it,but instead seeing im here(and yes I know a lot of you are reading this but I wonder how many of you will agree with me in black and white here

    moi is a spammer extraordinare yes/no
    moi should be gagged on sight yes/no
    moi and Gucci should have their own forum yes/no

    so come on?

    Have to admit, I don’t ‘get it’ either. I find him puerile and at times incredibly offensive, as well as typing utter drivel the majority of the time.
    Before people bang on about the iggy button, yes I do iggy him and his sidekick on sight, but I still have an opinion.

Viewing 10 posts - 131 through 140 (of 330 total)