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  • #409060



    The thing that I don’t really get, is when someone in the room is being abused, everyone just seems to let it happen. Almost like keeping their heads below the parapet in case they are noticed and become the victim of the vitriol.

    From the posts in response to Laine’s thread, everyone seems to be in agreement that is an atrocious event whenever it happens, yet very few seem to intervene or defend the targeted person.

    Saying that, I’ve seen Rogue intervene when the subject’s real name is put in the room or some similar event.

    People are strange….would they walk by if someone was being beaten in the street? I hope not.


    It can feel that way Trapper, I’ll agree with that. Surely it’s about perspective and what you allow to effect you?

    It can also depend on how important who is saying what is. If those who spout ignorance and nastiness are of no consequence in your life, just don’t sweat it. Either that, or say little about your personal life in the room.

    The worst ones are those who chat to you in pm and very possibly in another name, then bring that to the room. Pure malevolence.

    Most have us have been duped at one point or another. Just look back at Mrs Teapot’s thread of not so long ago.

    As for the guides….well….enuff said.


    I think it’s such a shame you let the numpties get to you, Laine, but may I remind you of your own words in your original post….’and here’s a tip ok? it isnt real! its words on a screen’.

    If you bear that in mind when people are being less than kind, it won’t matter.

    When it first happens, it can be quite devastating and you feel bound to defend your honour. It’s pointless. Very sadly, most of us have experienced it at one time or another (and that doesn’t mean I think it’s ok to do it). Those who choose to be unpleasant, will always be so, no matter how much you decry their words.

    Chin up gal, and don’t let the buggers get you down.




    @rogue trader wrote:

    I love your reports about just chat el trappiata but alas I don’t go in there anymore,

    Er….I think you were in there yesterday….


    Welcome to the boards, General. Happy posting.

    (In lieu of Lady Kenty’s welcome, of course.)




    @milkman of human kindness wrote:

    nice daisys horse lovely shiny coat something of a hunk asl?



    @kent f OBE wrote:

    @Bemused Bystander wrote:

    Welcome to the boards, tonedeaf. In Lady Kenty’s absence, I feel it’s my duty to welcome you aboard.

    Happy posting.

    Oh I missed a newbie :cry:
    Thanks for that bemused very kind….but the last time I welcomed a newbie to the boards it was Savvy…..say no more :lol:

    But yes tonedeaf…welcome and happy posting xx

    Ya win some, ya lose some…

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