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  • #525852

    @omalleythealleycat wrote:

    @Bemused Bystander wrote:

    @omalleythealleycat wrote:

    This is all so confusing.

    Can all the baddies wear black and all the good ‘un’s wear white please – like in all the old TV progs and movies. Oh wait, then I’d have to ask people what they’re wearing. Scrap that.

    Ok.. can somebody who is trustworthy and a good judge of character, please compile a list of chat goodies and baddies so I know who to cheer and who to boo and hiss at?

    (Note to Trapper: Tim Brooke-Taylor, Graeme Garden and Bill Oddie are not chatters.. so no, ya can’t post a pic of em!)

    Now that’s just asking for trouble…..

    But what’s the alternative? If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were suggesting I form my own opinions of people based entirely on my personal dealings with them! It’s madness.. madness I tells ya!

    Perish the thought. Every single word typed here, is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

    So help me God……


    @omalleythealleycat wrote:

    This is all so confusing.

    Can all the baddies wear black and all the good ‘un’s wear white please – like in all the old TV progs and movies. Oh wait, then I’d have to ask people what they’re wearing. Scrap that.

    Ok.. can somebody who is trustworthy and a good judge of character, please compile a list of chat goodies and baddies so I know who to cheer and who to boo and hiss at?

    (Note to Trapper: Tim Brooke-Taylor, Graeme Garden and Bill Oddie are not chatters.. so no, ya can’t post a pic of em!)

    Now that’s just asking for trouble…..






    Why do you keep posting pictures of yourself?


    @trapper wrote:

    There you fucking go

    Oh you fucking show off.

    And yes, I copied and pasted the fucking from your post….


    Yes, but sometimes it’s the language that makes it funny.


    I pulled it because it kept changing the content to something less offensive.


    @(f)politics? wrote:

    @sceptical guy wrote:

    *munching (on the [popcorn, that is!)

    getting interesting, Black Knight??

    The same words, same phrases, same accusations and defences – for several years now..really!!

    the popcorn is needed, believe me

    In fairness there is occasionally different actors which makes it different, but always similar story lines.

    And more than a little dull.


    @Black Knight X wrote:

    I see you two are nitwits over here too. :lol:

    Wanna narrow that down a bit?

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