@pikey wrote:
:-s It is the custom in your strange, sun blasted land to set up dragons before you settle? What do you set them up for? Hilarious practical japes or middling crimes and the like?
As for the dragons, I love dragons and collect them. I put them up around my home and workspace as it makes it feel more like my space and I’m comfortable when surrounded by things I love.
@pikey wrote:
In my company, it is a custom not to be so beastly. Instead, like civilised people everywhere, we prepare a strange drink that to you, used only to the filthy, turbid concoctions of your dusty home, would appear like the magical soma of elves or angels. We call it tea.
In your company huh? Well, in my company, you can expect to never take me seriously. Tea? Tea? How about a nice stiff Bundy & Coke? Now, that’s a drink.
But I do like tea and drink it. Regular and herbal. I drink coffee more though.