WooHoo replied to the topic Alright folks in the board Off topic chat 16 years ago
@ForumHostPB wrote:
@WooHoo wrote:
@Beeker wrote:
Alright PB…still here I see :D
He received his Telegram from the Queen just last week! :lol:
Yeah – she told me to wait for 37 more years and to stop being so bloody impatient !!!!!
lol – I’m just waiting for my “Pardon”.. :lol: ..
And, i’ve heard that you’re not supposed to turn your…[Read more]
Bat replied to the topic Alright folks in the board Off topic chat 16 years ago
@ForumHostPB wrote:
@Beeker wrote:
Thought id come say hello…can’t believe my profile is still active haha…I see there is still a few oldies about :wink:
Oi Beeker …. less of the “oldies” if you don’t mind !!! I’m still about but i’m not THAT old ffs !!!
*coughs* :lol: :lol:
ForumHostPB replied to the topic Alright folks in the board Off topic chat 16 years ago
@Beeker wrote:
Thought id come say hello…can’t believe my profile is still active haha…I see there is still a few oldies about :wink:
Oi Beeker …. less of the “oldies” if you don’t mind !!! I’m still about but i’m not THAT old ffs !!!
Beeker replied to the topic its hot in the board Off topic chat 16 years, 10 months ago
Dawny replied to the topic its hot in the board Off topic chat 16 years, 10 months ago
PATS replied to the topic its hot in the board Off topic chat 16 years, 10 months ago
HermanGRRRman replied to the topic Why do we hate the Mancs?? in the board The locker room 17 years, 9 months ago
@Beeker wrote:
b0ll0cks…If you hate the munichs you dont hate the mancs…its a contradiction in terms…United fans are from London
I live in manc…and Im City till I die
we dont hate you…we dont hate anyone apart from the munichs
I was cheering you on in the champions league final…only cos I knew if you won you would rub it in the…
Lucky replied to the topic Hello kids… in the board Off topic chat 17 years, 9 months ago
@AbitofMary_J wrote:
@Beeker wrote:
Just passing through and I thought id stick my nose in
Twas my birthday yesterday so im suitably hungover…just had a full breakfast so im waiting to see if it will kill or cure…hope you are all fit and healthy…
take care
russ 8)belated birthday greetings Beeks long time…. my birthday this Sat……
AbitofMary_J replied to the topic Hello kids… in the board Off topic chat 17 years, 9 months ago
@Beeker wrote:
Just passing through and I thought id stick my nose in
Twas my birthday yesterday so im suitably hungover…just had a full breakfast so im waiting to see if it will kill or cure…hope you are all fit and healthy…
take care
russ 8)belated birthday greetings Beeks long time…. my birthday this Sat… im FIRST na na na na…[Read more]
Matty replied to the topic Man Utd for the Title in the board The locker room 17 years, 10 months ago
@Beeker wrote:
dirty munichs won f@ck all as usual…why cant these has beens realise that there time is up 8)
better to be a has been then a never will be hey ;)
HermanGRRRman replied to the topic Who are these people??? in the board Off topic chat 17 years, 11 months ago
@Beeker wrote:
@HermanGRRRman! wrote:
What is thier purpose here??
ForumHosts NM, CL, GM.
No-one ever sees them ever :roll:
( you may not see us….. but we see you )
more to the point…who the f@ck are you?! :? 8)
Thats not very nice now is it Beeker? PATS will you please take Mr Beeker to ya cupboard so he can put my scabby Y-fronts on his…[Read more]
sharongooner replied to the topic so then… in the board Off topic chat 17 years, 12 months ago
@Beeker wrote:
who’s on the dole?
seems like a good majority of you have more internet time than is healthy…so you are either all lottery winners on your laptop in monte carlo or your sitting in ur bedsit waiting for your govchecks :wink:
but if not…what do you all do for a living? 8)
Well……………….. what do YOU do? :wink:
metallica01 replied to the topic can I join one of your…. in the board Off topic chat 18 years ago
@Beeker wrote:
cliques? :wink:
never been in one before…what do they do these cliques…do they gang up on the weedier JC members and psycologically bully them into submission…if so where do I sign up?
I’ve got a good line in obnoxious insults and one line put downs so who wants me 8)
u can only be in a clique if u never swear, ask ppl…[Read more]
Dark Angel replied to the topic The One that got away in the board Off topic chat 18 years, 5 months ago
@Beeker wrote:
she didn’t get away…she was never there in the first place 8)
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
PATS replied to the topic Best Woman Ever in the board Off topic chat 18 years, 5 months ago
sunny replied to the topic Best Woman Ever in the board Off topic chat 18 years, 5 months ago
PATS replied to the topic The One that got away in the board Off topic chat 18 years, 5 months ago
@Beeker wrote:
she didn’t get away…she was never there in the first place 8)
i dont like u beeker.an i think gypo has lousy taste in men……….but ur right….ugo was seriously deluded if he thought for one second gypo gave a flyin fook. all hail L e bop !!!!!!!!! :D :D :D
Matty replied to the topic comedy moment… in the board Off topic chat 18 years, 6 months ago
@Beeker wrote:
always been known to flit from one mad idea to another…must be the gemini in me…but this one has to be the daftest…
just written a stand up comedy set and i’m gonna go do amateur night at the comedy store in manchester the first sunday of october…with a view to eventually doing it as a career…
just wondered if anyone has…
Gyps replied to the topic how many of you losers… in the board Off topic chat 18 years, 8 months ago
@Beeker wrote:
were bullied at school…
way way back when i was in secondary school there was a lad several years below me who had something wrong with his legs called phil…
Have never heard of a disease called Phil before!!!
Must be a Welsh thing!! 8)
(Aren’t the Welsh all inbred or summit?!)
Gyps replied to the topic I’m in lust… in the board Off topic chat 18 years, 8 months ago
@PATS wrote:
@Beeker wrote:
@PATS wrote:
@Gyps wrote:
@PATS wrote:
:D i’m all for a bit of lust………………(not wif beeker tho) :shock: [-(
Why ever not pongo, he is the best i’ve ever tasted! :wink:
:-… :-… :-… :-…
pats when you look like yourself you need to grab what you can get luv…I mean come on…isn’t that why you are…
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