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  • #131542

    @squeezy wrote:

    @beth wrote:

    err blonde question :oops: whats the last pic of? :? :oops:

    Looks like someone’s @rse in a pair of tweeds to me. :?

    It coud be TT putting up the Union Jack and claiming the land for Britain.

    Ooohh…hope he doesn’t get to be in charge of punishments! :shock:

    Erm… that’s not a stupid guestion, the picture isn’t that good. It’s trying to be *Sian* landing and Tommy’s parachute flashing under her… :roll:

    And that black thing talking with Lucky is DD… or trying to be him.


    Hi everyone, this is a good way to get in the JC Cast Away!!!


    @dizzyizzie wrote:

    Whens the next one!??

    As soon as I get it done… 8)


    oh wait did I just hear something?

    no, it was just the wind

    nothing to see here people move along (like you would ever stop in here)


    well time flies and this place seems to be dead… :?


    Come on, took me long time to do that. Tell me what you think!!! it will be continued though… maybe :? if anyone’s interested.


    @volksie wrote:

    Being at work :twisted:

    well… I won’t even be able to work now…


    Nothing seems to be going right today.
    I didn’t get the papers that I need tomorrow :?


    Hi everyone! I haven’t been here for a while but now I’m back again (had some technical issues… the first time in my life I saw a computer smoke :shock: that was a scary moment my friends!)

    Anyway… it’s so quiet in here that it’s getting a bit scary :?


    Almost any name of a place around me is some how weird…
    Vammala = a place for injurys :roll:

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