Forum Replies Created
28 February, 2006 at 11:12 am #199883
@dead_on_arrvial wrote:
Wireless keybords and mouse have one weakness, the mouse is used more than the keyboard and always needs chagening .
The keybords are not too bad.
If you do buy one of these sets, make sure your mouse has a chargening point and find out how long you can use it for, before it runs out.
Well DOA you will be delighted to know that my mouse not only has it,s very own chargening point, it has batteries as well!!!. When it,s not in use, just to make sure it cant run out I stick it to my desk with bluetack, mind you that has drawbacks in it,s self. It tends to give it a sticky bottom covered in blue bits. So do you think I,d be better off getting a mouse and a keyboard with wires attached then? That way I wont have to be continually worrying about making sure my chargening points are fully charged, and of course theres no danger of my batteries running out.
Oh another important point I almost forgot, are corded keyboards/mice any more at risk of trojans and hores than their wireless counterparts? The last thing I need is to get a brand new mouse/keboard and then find out i,ve got an infestation of hores!!26 February, 2006 at 3:31 pm #199879@pete wrote:
mines optical with no tracking ball.. ya sure yours is optical rather defeats object if it has a tracking ball too.. should just be a light underneath then you dont need a mouse pad
Yes Pete, honestly it,s optical. I have a reciever plugged into the bk of my pc, and my mouse has no leads, just 2 batteries and a flamin tracking ball, grrr. Which brings me bk to my original post. If I do get a corded keyboard and mouse. do i need to uninstall my mouse/keyboard drivers first and THEN install the new stuff or can i just unplug the the reciever and plug in mouse and keyboard and it all works fine? Incidentally where did you get your mouse with no tracking ball from? I want one wether it,s cordless or not. I,m sick of cleaning fluff off the poxy thing.
26 February, 2006 at 1:51 pm #199878@pete wrote:
just replace the mouse with an optical mouse Bat then theres no need to clean the tracking ball.. and theres no wireless connection to go wrong and theyre cheap
Pete MY mouse is optical and wireless and it also has a tracking ball. I want to get a mouse with NO tracking ball. So is it better to stick to cordless mouse/keyboard of go for a usb one. I,d still prefer a mouse without a tracking ball. I cant decide which is best, cordless or usb.
22 February, 2006 at 1:25 pm #198076@Ow£n Ka$h wrote:
I found this on the Microsoft site.
I tried that Owen but I already have sp2 installed, and microsoft checked and said it,s fine, so the only way to stop it happening is to do a system restore, but that still doesnt explain why it,s happened in the first place.I can only assume that there is a conflict of some sort between IT and something on my pc. What though? Anyway everything else is ok apart from that. V strange. Thanks for help though, always appreciated Owenx.
20 February, 2006 at 7:54 am #198074@Ow£n Ka$h wrote:
Run the tests here.
If that doesn’t help, post the error message exactly.
Thanks Owen, I was hoping you,d reply. :wink:
Well this morning, I turned pc on, and where I,d scheduled scan disc to start, I got the blue screen and the message said,
“Cannot open volume for direct access, windows has finished checking the disc” then it booted into windows normally, BUT, I went in my computer, and c drive, properties, then scan disc. This time I left the 2 boxes unchecked? that say, automatically fix file system errors and scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors” this time it did it. However when I set scan disc to start at windows boot up it does 5 checks, this did 3. V weird huh?15 February, 2006 at 9:49 am #184599@sue wrote:
@bat wrote:
@tiggy wrote:
I had this same problem last year and them only way I solved it was to install XP again.. No idea why.. :-k
I,ve done that today Tiggy, a complete clean install of XP. I,ve spent a horrible 15 mins in another chat site, eeeeewwwwwww so I know I,ve got java installed, just not the version needed for this site, and I STILL can,t get into the web site to download it. FFS. I,m not a happy bat, not a happy bat atall.
That cos ur a dingbat :lol: 8) :lol: :D
Dingbat? :shock: Flamin cheek. :lol:
I,ll have you know i,m a perfectly harmless cute little fruit bat. :wink: :wink:14 February, 2006 at 8:17 am #195638@forumhostpb wrote:
I heard that Tony ”Fat Boy” Montana got himself a job recently delivering newspapers.
Problem was he got fired after the first day when they found out he didn’t have the necessary qualifications.
Tut Tony you do have to actually have a brain to do these things you know.
Tell you what, I,ve thought of the ideal thing for you. If you really can,t get a job, and lets face it, its not looking good is it? (who the f… would employ him and what for?) Have you ever thought of leaving your body to science? Just think after you,ve snuffed it, they could cut you up (as you frequently threaten to do to other people, even though you dont really mean it) and they could find out if you acutally have a brain!! They could disect you and see if they could find anything remotely interesting(although that IS remote I know). Or maybe you could be a live guinea pig in a laboratory? They could give you electric shock treatment for fun(i mean free sorry oops) then when they,ve finished with you, whats left and there,s bound to still be plenty isnt there? they could sell your remains to a taxidermist and have you stuffed and put on display in a museum for all eternity, How about that? If I were you tony, I should rush off well allright then waddle) off down to the job centre as soon as it opens. I,m sure they,ll be delighted to see you, just like we are. :wink: :wink:11 February, 2006 at 2:06 pm #195631@tommy-toxen wrote:
We don’t let him in, that’s why he’s mocked and slated and boot on sight :lol:
Mocked, Tony?? Us??? NEVER!! :shock: :shock: :shock:
So do you think that whenever he comes into the room(as he frequently does) and I say “hiya fatguts” thats why he gets upset? blimey, never knew old fat belly had feelings. :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
But, I must remember, when he comes in the room just to say hi to me, (as he frequently does, dont you tony dear?) and he calls me a fat slag and tells me to slit my throat, he doesn,t really mean it, it,s just nice cuddly friendly tony,s little joke. :wink: :wink: :wink:31 January, 2006 at 12:38 pm #186021@angel1 wrote:
ty owen, squeezy becks and rubyred xxx
mwahh baby i love u loads xx
Congratulations angel.. Hope your both very happy.xxxxx
29 January, 2006 at 3:02 pm #185785@tonymontana wrote:
king kong isnt a bad film id say you should see that.
So what part did you play in king kong then tony?? Oh of course!! it was the stupid great fat hairy ape!! Silly Bat. :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: