Well…next year make them book it a week later :wink:
They’re your kids – if you want them there for your birthday then they should be, specially if it makes you this unhappy.
Or arrange to go with them!! 8) :D
Go on holiday with my parents?? :shock: :shock: Good God, I,d have strangled my mother before I got out of the airport!! :shock: :shock: Thanks for the hugsxxxxxx
Bless your hearts, thanks peeps. LMAO@ear muffs chessy. I didnt “let” them go away as such squeezy, my parents arranged it last year, as they have done the last couple of years. The kids want to go, and they should go, they have a lovely time, BUT they always do it when it,s my birthday and THAT is what upsets me. I read my youngest sons homemade card this am and BAWLED my eyes out. One of the things he put in it was,” I love you mum” He,s 7. Bless him.
Reading the birthday cards my kids gave me today and bawling my eyes out because they arnt here to share it with me. Ther,e on holiday with my parents.
hang the b.stards and hang them high!!!!! :twisted: :twisted: :evil: :evil: :twisted: :twisted: :evil: :evil: :twisted: :twisted: :evil: :evil: :twisted:
Here here Tommy. I,ll string em up, you pull the lever. Sick b astards. :evil: :evil:
Bat darling – you use cd’s for burning music and dvds for burning movies.
I told you I was a wombat. Derrrrr course you do ffs @ me lol. I spose it tells ya on the packet whether or not it,s a cd or a dvd does it? :wink: :wink:
At the risk of appearing to be right wombat here,(and no coments from the flappy blue bat murderer either plz, tut :wink: ) does it state on the disc wether it,s for music recording or movies? I,m a total novice at this burning thingy stuff. As if you hadnt already guessed. :oops: