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  • #233018


    @(f)politics? wrote:

    Well Bryan here too as i never heard of the Ryan one guess that’ll be me showing my age again hmmmm :)

    Well ermm yes, I wasnt going to admit it, but I havnt heard of that Ryan person either.. must be my age too. :oops: couple of old wrinklies together arnt we hun lol. :wink:



    @chess wrote:

    @bat wrote:

    @abitofmary_j wrote:

    rite…. since Cath told me i had to wait for me readin … as the previous folks spooks still hauntin her…. ohhhh you lot what have u done with her…. ive got ichy pants here…. infact…. Cath aint been seen since…… spooks i demand u leave her….. im in need of me readin…..

    Funny you should say that Mary, I sent her a pm and she hasnt replied. :cry: I bet it,s Chess, sometimes I dont see poor Catty for ages and I,m sure Chess has something to do with it. :shock: :shock: :wink:

    It so isnt me its all Pats fault she makes me lure them to her cupboard then she locks them in there for weeks on end. I only do it cos im afraid of her cos she says she will tell Sunny bad things about me. =; =;

    Anyway Batty why dont ya walk this way I have a picture of a beautiful wee bat i wanna show ya. Thats right its just over here by that door now go on in and i will follow ya :- :- :-

    What I want to know is, what exactly has PATS got in this cupboard then? And if you think, miss chesticle, that I,m gonna go through a door with you behind me, following me, ya must be dafter than I thought lol. :wink: See PATS, you see what,s goin on dont ya? Chess wants to get us ALL in your cupboard, with whatever is lurking in there, and then.. God only knows what hideous fate awaits us! :shock: :shock: It might already be be too late for poor Cath!! :shock: :shock: and where is Catty?? is she in the cupboard already? :shock: :shock: :wink:



    @abitofmary_j wrote:

    rite…. since Cath told me i had to wait for me readin … as the previous folks spooks still hauntin her…. ohhhh you lot what have u done with her…. ive got ichy pants here…. infact…. Cath aint been seen since…… spooks i demand u leave her….. im in need of me readin…..

    Funny you should say that Mary, I sent her a pm and she hasnt replied. :cry: I bet it,s Chess, sometimes I dont see poor Catty for ages and I,m sure Chess has something to do with it. :shock: :shock: :wink:



    @Beatty Blue wrote:

    become what? :shock:

    Beatty I BEG you, please please please dont ask Max what a chubble is. And Max dont post on the boards what it is either, or you,ll be in BIG trouble. Now behave yaself. :wink: :wink:



    @chess wrote:

    Brian all the way

    Bloody ell Chessy, you and me agree on something!! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:



    @drivel wrote:

    @emmalush wrote:

    If you want to control the worlds economic stability, and stop islam taking over the belief system, then you need a base in which to build from.

    Take the Italians, they would be a major enemy of the rest of the west if we hadnt organised a percentage of the mafias wealth earnings.

    There in order…

    What the feck is Emma on about now !!!!!!!!!!!

    F*cked if I know. :roll: We could ask PB he usually knows, but as he,s on his HOLIDAY, sunning himself in Italy, we cant. :evil: Mind you, he could be watching……….. :wink: :wink:



    @American Woman wrote:

    Ok, I’ll just call a spade a spade here. The magazine published the picture n the cover to grasp the people’s attention in order to sell the magazine in order to make the profit. I highly doubt the editors where thinking “what a beautiful picture of a mother giving nourishment to her child”. I’m not at all saying that I disagree with these types of pictures of breastfeeding, but I don’t think it has to be on the front cover and exploited for profit. Just as women have the right to nurse in public, individuals also have the right to disagree with it and maybe it shouldn’t be thrown in their face. I’m an adult and the picture does not offend me in the least. But, some parents don’t want their children seeing that image and that should also be respected. Therefore I think the picture should have been placed on the inside of the magazine. I highly agree with breastfeeding. It’s the best form of nutrition you can give your child. I do think that discretion is key though. Women were blessed with breasts to feed their offspring. But when not used for their main purpose, breasts are used for sexual arousal. Some people just can’t separate the two points. Breastfeeding is also an intimate bonding time with your child, which is why I think just tossing a nursery blanket over feeding time is appropriate.

    AW I also dont want to walk into my local newsagents every day and see the Daily Sport, with gross images, and they ARE gross, of women with everything spread so wide you can see what they had for breakfast. No not everyone wants to see a picture of a woman breasfeeding her child on a magazine, but in all honesty, which is the worse of the two? As for children seeing that image.. I have no problem atall with either of my children seeing a picture of a mother breastfeeding her child. Thats how mine were fed… if your going to start saying cover it up, it makes it into something dirty, to be ashamed of, and it,s not. FFS someone please tell me, I did ask before, what century are we living in, when a photo of a mother breastfeeding her child is deemed offensive? I despair at this world sometimes I really do.



    @matty wrote:




    ryan for me everytime, hes got a better selection of songs, and not as cheesy

    Cheesy? pftttttttttttt Bryan Adams is a legend, he gets my vote every time. Waking up the neighbours is a classic. 8) 8) 8) 8)



    @tommy ToXen wrote:





    Tommy tell me your joking just to wind me up, because if you are trying to wind me up you,ve done a good job. What in the name of Christ is so sick about a picture of a baby being breastfed? I,ll tell you whats sick, going in the newsagents seeing a copy of the daily sport with girls spreading their legs so damn far you can see all the way to Australia!!
    FFS, I,ve never heard such garbage. When are people going to get over seeing a breast as a sexual object all the time? Women wern,t given breasts for men Tommy, they were given them so they could feed their babies, just like I fed mine. If someone finds a beautiful picture of a mother doing what nature intended, ie breastfeeding her baby, sick, then they are the one with the problem. AND i,ve breastfed my daughter in a doctors surgery, in front of people! :shock: :shock: No one could see anything of my offending breast though Tommy dont worry, I made sure it was well hidden in case someone puked. :wink: And I,ve fed her in the back seat of my car in Tesco,s too, in front of LOADS of people.. again, no one could see the offending object, all was covered up. Just remind me someone.. what century are we living in?



    @cath 55 wrote:

    @bat wrote:

    @tommy ToXen wrote:

    i’ve already explained the truth about items of clothing going missing, you lot are just making things up now =;

    I,ts true I tell ya, there really is a poltergiest in my house, and obviously in Caths too!! :shock: :shock: :shock:
    If you cant find yours then you,ve either thrown them away and forgotten to buy some more or Jackie ate them. :wink: :wink:

    *smiles* :wink:

    See? now you,ve caught the evil grins!! :shock: :shock: Life in 40,s will never be the same again.!! :shock: :shock: Poor Bat. :cry: I still want to know what Chess has done with Catty, where is she? eh? eh? eh? Poor Catty. :cry: tut. :wink:

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