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  • #243771


    @fastcars wrote:

    Bo/llox to it…. im starting to get to like this virus… i mite just leave it there sitting in the corner to frighten off wittering women hehehe. I can give him a pet name and chuck pieces of meat at it when hes hungry. Bat meat…. :twisted:

    So fasty dearest, how are we feeling today then? Still feeling like this are we?

    Then you need this!! This,ll get rid of the little blighter for you.

    That,ll have it doing this in no time:

    Let me know how you get on, and stop saying bad fings bout me to Pats in msn. Tut@you, bad boy. :wink: :wink:



    @pats wrote:

    @fastcars wrote:

    HOW THE FOOK CAN I CONCENTRATE WIF U TWO WITTERING ON!!!!!!! :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

    but but but.we is tryin to helppppppppppp uuuuuuuuu hun………….*titters* 8)

    It,s only coz we wubs you fasty. :wink: We iz only tyin to elp innit? He,s not very grateful is he Pats?(miserable old fecker) Is he always like this then? And stop sayin nasty orrible fings bout me in msn. snot nice izzit? ps. dont forget that transcript Pats. :wink: :wink:
    Oh and fasty, dont forget, if none of the above helps, refer to PB,s very “helpfull” advice to me on my IE thread. :wink: Dont forget the old JC motto….”We Care”! :wink: :wink:



    @pats wrote:

    hes sayinnnn bad bad fings about u in msn bat. :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

    Oh is he indeed? Well, thats charmin innit eh? All you do is try an elp, and wot fanks do ya get. Cor blimey, I dunno why I bovver I dont. If that dont work for ya Fasty me old china, I,ve got just the fing I ave, ere, take a gander at this then, it should do the job nicely. You wont have a pooter no more, but that dont matter duz it? Least you wont ave no more virus will ya, eh?

    psst. Pats send me a pm with transcript of wot fast sez bout me in msn, will ya? but dont tell im i asked, shhhhh. :wink: :wink: :wink:



    ok Fasty I,ve found just the thing for you. This is just what you need. Use these guys and no more virus.

    If that doesnt work, you,ll end up looking like this:



    @fastcars wrote:

    *gets out his large pan ready for making bat-wing soup*…. :twisted: :- =P~

    Now see here you, I was only trying to be “helpfull”. Give the poxy thing a bloody good whack with the hammer and hey presto, no more virus. You,ll have a knackered machine yes,but at least you wont have a virus any more. :wink: :wink:



    @fastcars wrote:

    Dont you two bloody start…. :lol:

    Somebody Helpppppp Meeeeeeeeeeeee…. :evil:

    Awwwwwww never mind hun, look, have one of these, that should get rid of your virus for you:
    :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:



    @forumhostpb wrote:

    Dear Bat,

    It’s obvious that your computer ought not to have been purchased from the car boot sale. May I suggest that you pour some highly inflammable liquid into the air vent at the back and flick a lighted match at it?

    Don’t bother to back anything up, just burn the lot – including all those lovely CD’s and floppy disks.

    PS: Make sure that the premium on your household contents insurance is fully paid up.

    yours sincerely,

    A. Friend

    PPS: Don’t call me ….. I’ll call you !!!

    Now see here young man, all I,ve got to say to you is: @@**&&%%$$ ££””!!!*)+ @@~+(&^%) Which roughly translated means ………. (i,m not that brave) :wink: :wink: :wink:



    @fastcars wrote:

    Right….. I did what you said (it was f12 by the way) I opened the computer in safe mode. I then clicked onto my virus scanner to open it. Guess what happened when i clicked onto “begin scan”

    FOOK ALL :evil:

    Fast hun, if I were you, I,d refer to the very “helpfull” advice PB gave me on my IE pages thread. He,s such a dear to me he is… and of course remember…”He cares”! :wink: :wink:



    Gloria Vanderbilt.



    You beat me to it Becky, yes it,s Silence of the Lambs…scary! :shock: :shock: :shock:
    Ellooo Chessy. :)
    Hides from the darts. :wink:

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