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    Eva, i would rather be a troll than be heartless like Blossom. And if i am a troll for disagreeing with blossom then so be it.


    I work in the NHS, im a staff nurse in a busy medical ward. Now as someone on the frontline, i have seen both good care and bad care. I’ve also seen how the media slates the NHS and nurses. But have you ever stopped to think about it from the other side?

    Staffing and money is the biggest problem within the NHS and that is what affects the care provided. I have noticed a big difference since qualifing in 2003 when i had a pick of jobs, then i saw the numbers of jobs reducing and the number of expected duties increase. All we hear is that we have budget cuts so can’t afford the staff needed.

    I work in a ward that has 48 patients divided into 4 areas of 12. Now back when i started a full quota of staff per area was 2 staff nurses and 1 care assistant. Now for the whole 48 patients it is 8 staff nurses, 3 support workers in the morning and 2 in the afternoon. Now as we are also expected to put out the meals as well as feed patients and we have to do this within a 30 minute period. So yes, its not an ideal situation and we do the best we can. And yes, if it means that a patient gets their meal while its hot because there isnt 48 staff members we ask family to help out if they are willing.

    Now, you all see a nurse on the ward, do you acutally know what her job entails? I have drug rounds to do, patients to wash, bloods to take, physio therapy to provide, doctors rounds to go on, intravenous medication to administer, social work referals to do, OT referals to do. All of this actually takes me away from providing the basic nursing care some people need.

    So don’t go blaming the nhs for the problems that the govenment have put there, we can only provide as much as our budget allows. So next time you are on a ward visiting someone, why not actually take a look around at the number of staff they actually have on the ward, its most likely understaffed.


    Yeah, i somehow think if she has read any of this, she knows she will be in for a hard time if she showed up using sugarlips or sugarlump, im guessing she same of twitter


    I think it’s safe to say, that most of us would be there in a heartbeat to help our friends in those situations. I just got the point with my friend, i couldn’t bear to see her suffer anymore, so instead of continuing to ask her to move in with me, i TOLD her she wasn’t going back to that place, except with me to get her stuff. She thinks i did this amazing thing for her, i don’t think i did anything that special, i acted out of love for her. Apparantly i was the only one here in edinburgh who did anything to intervene. I was just gutted she wouldn’t let me spike his juice with a powerful laxative.

    I saw the signs of abuse there, because he acted the same way my ex boyfriend did.


    I still can’t believe i believed her, the trusting fool that i am. The sad thing is, it makes me doubt some of the other things she told me, and if that is also made up, that makes her worse than just making up a pregnancy and a miscarriage.

    I bear her no ill-will, but i think she should be ashamed of herself as i know a lot of you who had suffered the pain of a miscarriage spent time trying to comfort her.

    She most likely is back in chat using another name. If anything, i think we should pity her, i mean how bad must your life be if you crave that sort of attention in a chat room?


    Ive never been one to run away from a dare :p


    Eva, you are not weak because of all that has happened to you. I’m sorry even the strongest person can be affected by it, despite what blossom thinks. Mental abuse affects even the strongest person, unless they are heartless, in which case they are more likely to be the abuser.

    For all of us out there who have suffered ANY kind of abuse, just remember we are strong because we survived it. We are also the person we are because of our experiences.

    And Cherrie, well said!! And if there are pringles and vodka, hell im in lol

    Oh and Blossom, maybe it’s time to visit the wizard and ask him for a heart :D


    Having read this thread, i would agree there is a troll in it, but its not melody, eva, or any of the others who have shown compassion and understanding. And i will no doubt be labelled a troll because i don’t agree with Blossom but so be it.

    Eva and Melody, you are both very brave and amazing women and are proof that it although its difficult to walk away from an abusive relationship it IS possible. And Eva, my friend did the same as you, she pushed me away and wouldn’t see that her boyfriend was an emotionally abusive person. She kept trying to defend him and yes Blossom it DID mess with her mental health but sleep deprivation does that to you. And if you have never experienced that kind of torture then you are very lucky and i also sincerely hope you never do.

    It’s also very easy to judge if you haven’t experienced it and it’s not about someone saying something to hurt your feelings, it starts so small you don’t actually realise it is happening. A small criticism here and there and then it builds, i don’t want you to do this or i don’t want you to do that. Then when you disagree with something they want, it is “you are so selfish” and because it is the first time you disagreed, you think, yeah maybe i am. In my friend’s case it was ” i don’t care for your spitefulness and vindictiveness” he also tried that on me, mainly because as most men and women who emotionally abusive they are spineless cowards who can’t formulate an argument when faced with someone who will stand up to them. Oh and they also tend to use mistakes you have made in the past to hold power over you, again the spineless coward had nothing to say when i called him out on the “things i didn’t know” about my friend.

    It must be so wonderful to be as perfect as you blossom, it really must, but i’d rather be less than perfect as i am and to be able to feel empathy and compassion for another human being. That’s all from this troll :D


    So have I lucy, and OMG did i learn the hard way!!!


    Ask the-christophe he is dating her afterall (allegedly)

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