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  • #489459

    Oh i love the “you are fat” insult. It just shows how brainless they are.


    Thank you lucy!!! Whoop ive learned something new today!! :D


    Just remember Tiffany, despite all the trolls out there, there are some nice people in chat, and we just have to be more choosy in whom we trust, Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt.


    Oh and ive never claimed that whatever is in my head and makes it out onto the keyboard EVER makes any sense :p I think my brain goes faster than my fingers lol


    I wish i knew how to put the quotes in here grrr. What i meant sassy is sometimes, when you try to warn someone not to do something because you know what they are like it can kick in the stubborn gene in someone, who then feels they WANT to do it because someone has advised them not to do it. I hope that made more sense.

    At the end of the day, you can’t win, if you tell people things, they spread it, if you refuse to tell people things, you are accused of being false and hiding things. At the end of the day, like LucyLocket said to me the other day, you don’t have to prove anything to anyone in the chatroom, and i think we should just try to have fun and ignore the trolls. Plus in a sort of weird way, if they are talking about you, its a compliment, they obviously think more of you than you do of them lol.


    people who feel the need to walk exactly where i am trying to walk, im sorry, i refuse to believe that i am invisible although, that would be a cool superpower to have. Oh and those whp feel the need to walk REALLY slowly but take up the whole pavement so you cant get past, just because you have all day, doesnt mean i do! And also those who approching a motorway drive really slowly down the slip road, you are meant to be getting up to a reasonable speed to JOIN the motorway, or are you hoping for an invitation to get on it!!


    Ahhh Sassy, alas when someone tells you to do something, it makes you do it anyway. Plus there could be the “they wouldn’t do it to me im different” syndrome, but yeah, we all learn the hard way. Then there are the rumours and the lies ect.

    Tiffany, dont let them get to you, and like me, learn to be wary before trusting people and yeah if someone warns us off certain people we should learn to listen!!

    I agree though, i don’t think its right to talk about someone in the chatroom if they aren’t there to defend themselves.


    Happy Birthday Mellow xx


    Love is…..A chemical imbalance in the brain

    And its also everything you guys have said. I think also, its seeing a person, flaws and all and not caring that they aren’t perfect, you wouldn’t change them for the world. If someone feels the need to try to change the person you are, then they don’t really love you


    Lol Melody, i think you opened a can of worms there

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