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    @cherriepie wrote:

    @blossom‘ wrote:

    Just out of curiosity……what happened to all your ex husbands, did they form a new family with another woman or are they living by themselves?

    While married mine sure as hell never slept alone while I was in a chat room being a judgmental ignorant cow.

    “Just Saying”

    Careful now Blossy, neglect can be looked upon as a form for abuse ;)
    You may just find yourself in an “Ex” situation yourself.
    As an apparent woman, I would think you should have a little more empathy for women and people in general.
    “I doubt I’d be a victim of such men as I tend to look beyond the surface, never been attracted to men who are ‘too good to be true’, I prefer them with ‘flaws’….. from day one”

    It’s not about the “too good to be true” Blossom, these people can come in all forms of people, friends, husbands, mothers, fathers. Abuse in general is not narrowed to just one type of person.

    Part of being a woman is not just possessing a vagina Blossom, it’s also about character, that natural compassion that each woman, on some level holds. It’s about how she is able to relate to another woman, help her and understand her as a fellow woman.

    You clearly have not been blessed enough to possess such natural characteristics. I suggest before you vomit “that’s not very lady like Cherrie” in chat, you take a good hard look and think about what it takes to be a woman, not just female. Reassess yourself and character and try to understand how your words here come across as cold, stern and testosterone fueled.

    It’s so very easy to tell a woman to get out of an abusive relationship dismissing all other factors. It’s so easy to tell another to just leave when you don’t have her conscience, carrying her child, looking at her total balance, sitting in her home she built with love, loyalty and hope.

    “My strength is not for hurting” campaign was a good one and think it can be applied to all levels of abuse, not just sexual violation. Point here being, his/her strength was not to pervert, abuse, neglect, tear down and deplete another person. Victims are not to blame, Blossom.

    Well said, Cherrie xX


    @blossom‘ wrote:

    Pity seems to be a popular term with you ladies…..first Sugarlips, then me.

    The way you construct your threads brings me to think even more that you’re all just a bunch of male trolls disguised as females.

    You make too much of a big deal of what goes on in the chatrooms….and once again, your posts are posted within minutes of one another.

    Not fooled, sorry.

    Hard to believe there is more than one person on the internet at the same time? Wow paranoia at its finest. You’re right this is just a chat room which is why i usually turn a blind eye to the trolls but i sincerely hope that when you log off…you’re a different person to the one we’ve all seen here. In reality you could be a completely normal, warm person but here i’m afraid you’re one of the nuts (Don’t bother replying with the ‘as are you’, it’s boring and not worth typing :P)


    I’m thankful your no longer there Mask, makes my heart sad to hear you in pain like that. Never, never again. Love you xx


    OMG! I was thinking wtfs happened to my screen haha….took me all of two minutes to figure it all out. Cheers Melody! :P


    @cherriepie wrote:

    @mrs_teapot wrote:

    hello young people :D

    I just read through this thread….. so sorry for sugar.. obviously her life is not good. There again which of us has a perfect life?… I hope she finds peace and is not too upset to have been “found out” I wish you would all say come back all is forgiven… I suspect it isn’t though… oh well :?

    Cherrie do you know what happened to Gaz?

    I miss disagreeing with him :D

    Why would we ask someone who lied about something so unnecessary to come back? Anyway, Sugar or whoever that person is can come back to Jc, we don’t own Jc or have the right to say who can and can’t chat here. There is nothing to forgive because they did nothing to directly impact me. I really don’t hold anything against this person.. well because I was fortunate enough not to know them apart from the hello in chat.

    Anyway, as for Gaz, how am I meant to know!?? D:
    Am sure he is just fine and dandy :)

    I quite agree! I just feel sorry for Sugar now. I know alot of pretend happens online but a pretend miscarriage? Like i said b4, alot of women go through the real pain of this every day…Seems sick to be pretending to go through that. And on a side note how do we know Sugar hasn’t just assumed another identity and is back on JC? :P


    @blossom‘ wrote:

    Who and what actually defines emotional abuse ?
    Each and every one of us has a different reaction to ‘words’ .
    As long as the abuse doesn’t become physical, I guess there’s not much to worry about, unless that is, that the person on the receiving end of the abuse is depressed, in which case the person should get help from his/her GP to cure his/her depression as ‘words’ have not to date killed anyone who is mentally sane.
    I don’t want to seem insensitive, but I guess it’s about time people should ‘man up’ and stop whining.
    If one feels belittled by words of an abuser, it means he/she had no self esteem to start with, it’s not the abuser who makes one lose one’s self esteem, one has to already be mentally fragile to experience belittlement.
    I actually agree with the definition of domestic violence:
    If you are not in fear of your life, you are not suffering it.

    I agree with Melody this is utter rubbish. Nothing more needs to be said.


    @dani wrote:

    I’ve already commented on this post once, but a recent occurrance has made me feel the need to comment again. I have friends from JC who I trust with all my heart, who are there for me when times are bad and vice versa, those people know who they are and im glad that i met them. However, there are also the people who you think are your friend and then proceed to slag u off in chat when you arent there. One of these so called friends has quite clearly stated in chat that i am a “net person” “wierd” and “a liar”… response to all 3 of those comments….i am neither. I come to chat, i have a laugh with the people i consider my friends and then i leave, i have a life right here in the real world, secondly, im not wierd…..well maybe to some of u i may be lol but im just me, like it or not, and finally…..i do not lie, i have nothing to hide, nothing to be ashamed of, if i say something then it is the 100% truth and if people think otherwise then they know what they can do.
    So to summarise, yes u can make friends with people online, but be careful, cos some people are just “playing” at being friends and will slag you off at the first opportunity.

    I completely agree with you…There are some chatters who do claim to be your friend and sit there and b1tch about you behind your back. I spose this happens in real life too so its just a habit for some people to be like that. All i can say is i know who my friends are and i’m thankful for them x


    @bexy wrote:

    Sassy,i love it……u do make me laugh lol

    Although i do have a novel way of survivng the dreaded Mariah Carey xmas song thanks to my Zumba insructor……who wants to dance it wiv me lol???????????????????

    And look like a massive tool?……Yeah why not! Tis the season after all..I’ll need a few bevies b4 that happens though haha! :D


    @best man wrote:

    hey shush,ive never annoyed you,i could put 10,000 posts on here
    and increase your advertising
    so shuddup
    i hate cheek
    ban me and im taking ten of my mates with me
    your deal marty

    PML!!! Sorry Cos, this made me laugh a buck load!!! Cheers xX :lol: :lol: :lol:


    @lucylocket wrote:

    @aussie_sassy wrote:

    We judge because it’s so easy to do…We are all entitled our opinions of course but i don’t think we can ever understand why a person turns to drugs, suicide or other addictions. I’ve not had anyone in my family with a major drug addiction but i’ve had close family with other sorts of addictions. It’s so easy for us to say they should of said no in the first place but without actually being in their shoes and understanding their problems, we’ll never know why they chose their path.. And of course everyone copes in different ways, instead of judging maybe we should try for some understanding?

    Iv grown tired of trying to understand sass Im worn out xxx

    Chin up Lucy Lou…As hard as it always is to believe, things will get better. I’ve always found you to be a bright and positive soul so i know you’ll pull through. xX

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