Sure cosy? Some one has been coming out pretending to be him when he not in.. you are aware this has been happening. Few others have even agreed not cosy as well.
I was not there think. But I do know other day someone pretending to be him was not. I told chatters not him, as the person could not answer simple questions in which cosy and I know about. Only and one other. They messed up badly.
I know he can be high strong at times and not the nicest for some as this may be some past history assume before I knew him. However, to make fun of some one very ill with a disease like that when he had a recent scare for a friend and some one else..he had compassion regardless of he liked them or not. He wishes no malice or hurt in that regard especially if ill.
I will however follow thru and ask when speak to him, who he attacked supposedly..
Linda iv knows cosy for 9 years,he has behaved this way not only in here but in pats chat too,in exactley the same way.One time he even told a woman in pc that his girlfriend had died,it was a pack of lies.He told me fast cars was dead,pack of lies.He has constantly threw fowl abuse at me through the years and i always forgave him.I am no fool ,i will take a lot but not for ever though.I know hes your friend and i admire your loyalty.He is hardley going to admit its him abusing to you,so therefore wont give you the detales your asking for.I know cosy inside out and to me he has went too far and been disloyal and a rat.I wont be forgiving him anymore.He has abused my friendship towards him and tolerance too much.However when you all meet up i wish you the best.x
This is coming from a woman who has no loyalties to anyone as she knows that so many people have her pic she will throw anyone under the bus.
She will pretend to be your friend gather information on you then she will share it and all because she wants chat people to like her and stop bullying her.
Jamie is a drinker, that is not reason to dislike her, the reason to dislike her is the fact that she is so pathetic and needy she will throw good and kind people under the bus just to be liked.
and they still don’t like her
she thought the bullies would stop if she betrayed people.
Being a drinker is no excuse for being a weak pathetic bad friend never to be trusted ever again piece of shit.
Jamie other people drink. But not everyone is a nasty betraying scummy person who hurts everyone.
you should get an award