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  • #1050525

    So a woman gets stabbed by a group of 3 women , a nursery nurse, attacked from behind by women chanting ” Allah Allah Allah ” according to an eye witness account ” police are not treating this as an act of terrorism ” !!!? 🙄💩

    Racially incited attack maybe but you are right ….. not a lot of coverage given to it.

    Disgusting not to mention the emotional damage etc done to any kids that witnessed it.



    “They all talk shyte!” Love the statement. If I used it here in a written statement comments would be made I can not spell by reporters. Would not be a good leader. Our word is spelt shit…..hee hee, ha ha…. I truly laughed here. Politicians always use excuses and stupid ones at that. I provided an example from some reporters I know here with media….would jump on to find excuse with the wrong spelling of a word.. Person not well educated, do not vote for them.


    It is spelt shit here too but it’s a way we have become used to typing here as in the past most swear words were censored lol. Old habits die hard I guess.

    Some people might say I am uneducated but hey … in truth what do they know? ;-)



    FGS…Its like kids having their pocket money stopped for being norty! Its hardly life and death if its deleted.

    Get back in your box you lol  ;-)



    Oh & now disastrous Dianne Abbot has gone on sick leave !!!!

    Bit late to shut the stable door …… feel sorry for the poor sod that has to pick the pieces up.

    Very similar happened when Blair legged it & left Gordon Brown to face the music he didn’t stand a chance at the last election maybe because the people had lost all faith thanks to that tw@t Tony Blair !!!

    Claims today in the news that Mrs May has done another U turn in her party  manifesto

    over immigration .

    Could go any which way now because as I said originally they all talk shyte!


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    hmm In my opinion idea’s are like arseholes …. we’ve all got em .  :-)

    2 members liked this post.

    Well done Mel x


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    Finally yesterday I posted my ballot papers off.

    Still not 100% sure but not to vote was not an option.

    Well in 48 hours or so we will all know the peoples choice.


    Deleting is a total waste of time if the culprits causing the problems allowed back 5 mins later under a different name.

    Gone soft in here over the years …. there was a day when boot on site was exactly that & banned meant banned .

    The guides can only do so much & there are so few of them. C’mon Martin step up a bit.

    We know you are a busy man but we are all busy in our own way. 😎


    Bless him … he’s not happy unless he’s moaning these days.😕


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