@token_male wrote:
@anita Gofradump wrote:
@token_male wrote:
I think that alot of religion is held by people because it makes things sound easier..
how many atheists? on this board have ever posted about someone dying and said something like
Rest In Peace youv gone to a better place now with angels and blah blah blah.
religion makes the idea of a family members death easier because you hold onto this belief that they dont just get put into a box and into a fire or into the ground to rot away.
I honestly believe thats why alot of people have a small part of religious belief in them.
Im a Catholic by the way!
As an athiest, no i havent, people take whatever they need from religion as comfort as you said, rest in peace etc, im sure religion means different meanings for everyone, but i say f*ck em all, you gonna burn in hell!
but hell doesnt exist for you, so they wont do anything at all, for an atheist surely they cannot refer to the devil or anything like that such as burning in hell etc etc?
as they dont believe in there being a place where people go after death
fck em all, you gonna burn in hell is because you believe in hell, not me :lol:
You mean you dont believe you going to the great big YMCA re-union in the sky?