William_A_Edge replied to the topic ** Limerick ** in the board Art, poetry, music and film 19 years ago
@angelwolf00 wrote:
There once was a man from Nantucket
Who stuck his D@ck in a socket
His wife was a sweetie
She turned on the switch
And his D@ck flew off like a rocket!Angelwolf
OW that was painful :shock:
Soulie replied to the topic My Secret Fear in the board Art, poetry, music and film 19 years ago
@angelwolf00 wrote:
Good subject for a poem William, many emotions in FEAR. I use to have a teacher that said to conquer FEAR you need to”Forget Everything And Remember”. Not too sure what her thoughts were behind this ..but it always stuck with me.Angelwolf
nope, to conquer fear, you get a baseball bat and bash them over the head
angel replied to the topic ~ Relentless Ribbons Of Love ~ in the board Art, poetry, music and film 19 years ago
@angelwolf00 wrote:
Thanks Angel…I found this and thought you might like it, it is cute!! You can have it to use!!
http://i.xanga.com/LadyoftheDawn/angelgonebad.gifLOL AW……..I’m as pure as the driven snow me :wink: :lol: Very cute tho……..I’ll save it if ya don’t mind :D
Hope your well this evening xxxx