angelwolf00 replied to the topic ~ Leaving Me Breathless ~ in the board Art, poetry, music and film 19 years ago
Hi there Observer!
Looks like it is just you and me on this thread. Perhaps this poem is a little to sensual, I always liked this one. Thanks for reading my poems, there’s a lot of them to go through!! :lol: You are a sweetie!Angelwolf
angelwolf00 replied to the topic ~ Pixie Love ~ in the board Art, poetry, music and film 19 years ago
Thanks… for the comments!!
Hi =; Dawny!!Angelwolf
angelwolf00 replied to the topic A Womans Dream (Acrostic) in the board Art, poetry, music and film 19 years ago
~ William ~WWonderful
I Intelligent
L Loving
L Lustful
I Intense
A Amourous
M MagnificientAngelwolf
Thanks for the poem William, and thanks for starting this thread! :lol:
angelwolf00 replied to the topic A Womans Dream (Acrostic) in the board Art, poetry, music and film 19 years ago
~ Sunshine ~S miles bring sunshine every day
U ntil the gray clouds fade away.
N othing will ever get you down.
S miles always get rid of that frown.
H elping others does wonders for you,
I t retains your friends and loved ones too
N ow if you smile and never whine.
E very day your sun will shine.Angelwolf
angelwolf00 replied to the topic A Womans Dream (Acrostic) in the board Art, poetry, music and film 19 years ago
~ ABC’s Of Passion ~
A lways whisper sweet nothings
B efore you begin to touch
C ompliment my charm and beauty
D esire expressed with feeling, much
E mbrace my longing eyes with yours
F or a special sweet moment in time
G ratify all my secret love wishes
H eart against heart beating with mine
I long to here you say my name
J ust as your kiss…[
angelwolf00 replied to the topic ~ Leaving Me Breathless ~ in the board Art, poetry, music and film 19 years ago
Yes I am American don’t hold that against me!
Oh..if it only took you 5 minutes then you are a pro! :lol:
angelwolf00 replied to the topic ~ Leaving Me Breathless ~ in the board Art, poetry, music and film 19 years ago
Oh my goodness your poem made me smile!! A lot of good stuff can happen in 5 minutes!! Yee-ha!! :lol: :lol:Angelwolf
angelwolf00 replied to the topic ~ The Wonder Girdle ~ in the board Art, poetry, music and film 19 years ago
~ Worms ~What a strange little
creature you are
the end needs to meet the start
or you wont get far
Tiny you may be
but your persistance is great
we could learn much from
this tiny ones fate
Why would God create
a creature so strange
Maybe because our beginning
and end are of one range
To stay in touch
with ones past
might be the way
angelwolf00 replied to the topic A Friend in the board Art, poetry, music and film 19 years ago
Ahhh…another friend poem. You are right a friend tells you like it is!! Good poem, William!
angelwolf00 replied to the topic ~ The Wonder Girdle ~ in the board Art, poetry, music and film 19 years ago
No, I don’t need one, thank goodness!! This was a challenge poem, someone asked me if I could write a poem about a girdle. We should think of some subject and write poems about the subject.
Go ahead William think of something for us to write a poem about! :lol: :lol: It can be fun!!
angelwolf00 replied to the topic ~ The Wonder Girdle ~ in the board Art, poetry, music and film 19 years ago
Thanks Guys!! I do think they make them for guys..and transexuals ….have you seen TransAmercia, the movie nominated for an Oscar? There is a scene in the movie where the he/she/it was standing up peeing with a girdle on! I guess she used it to hide her bulge in front. :lol: :lol:
angelwolf00 replied to the topic Life after death in the board Art, poetry, music and film 19 years ago
Sorry Oss I meant to post my poem and I hit reply…
angelwolf00 replied to the topic Life after death in the board Art, poetry, music and film 19 years ago
This is good…I often wonder about this subject, but fall back on my faith. I like the graphic Oss.Angelwolf
angelwolf00 replied to the topic The Waitress (Adult Content) in the board Art, poetry, music and film 19 years ago
William, I wonder how many men would stop when they saw the ring on her finger….?Angelwolf
angelwolf00 replied to the topic Between the Miles in the board Art, poetry, music and film 19 years ago
Hi Angel!!
Lovely poem…true friends are hard to find…if you have one “true friend” consider yourself lucky.
angelwolf00 replied to the topic ~ The Dead Broke Leprechaun ~ in the board Art, poetry, music and film 19 years ago
Hehehehe…that picture was taken from the movie, “The Leprechaun”…have you seen it? It was hilariously bad, and it had Jennifer Aniston in it!! Here is a run down on the movie…http://www.badmovies.org/movies/leprechaun/
angelwolf00 replied to the topic ~ The Dead Broke Leprechaun ~ in the board Art, poetry, music and film 19 years ago
Hi Ya Mary!
Thanks Mary but I am not an expert…I just love writing poetry. I read your poem thought it was great to see someone that normally doesn’t write poetry try it! I wish more people would do that!!
What did you think of the little leprecaun? Looks mean and ornery, huh? :lol: :lol: :lol:
angelwolf00 replied to the topic Who wants to laugh at something sooooo stupid? in the board Jokes and humourous links 19 years ago
This is funny, and my cat does snort! :lol:Angelwolf
angelwolf00 replied to the topic Upon These Boards in the board Art, poetry, music and film 19 years ago
Thanks Mary….! Is your name Mary J, or do you like the singer Mary J Blige? She rocks, I like her! I was listening to her this morning during my workout.
angelwolf00 replied to the topic Upon These Boards in the board Art, poetry, music and film 19 years ago
William I am going to pen you the “Knight-Writer”!!~ Knight Writer ~
Who is he? this wordsmith
we all most admire
Who writes with such passion,
such sweetness and fire.He inspires our love
and offers us hope
Expressing the sorrows
we’ve all come to know.The rain in the desert
the sun in the dark
He brightens the corners
of our shadowed…[Read more] - Load More