angelwolf00 replied to the topic Triple Diamonte in the board Art, poetry, music and film 19 years ago
No Owen YOU are takin’ a shyte :lol: :lol: !Angelwolf
angelwolf00 replied to the topic Triple Diamonte in the board Art, poetry, music and film 19 years ago
Diamante ChainHunger
Insatiable, voracious
Craving, lusting, thirsting
Desirable, unquenchable, satiated, replete
Cloying, satisfying, bursting
Sated, gorged
Devoid, hollow
Featureless, echoing, relinquishing
Neglected, deserted, attended, absolute
Completing, consummating, diffusing
angelwolf00 replied to the topic ** Limerick ** in the board Art, poetry, music and film 19 years ago
There once was a man from Nantucket
Who stuck his D@ck in a socket
His wife was a bitch
She turned on the switch
And his D@ck flew off like a rocket!Angelwolf
angelwolf00 replied to the topic True Lies One in the board Art, poetry, music and film 19 years ago
Hehehhe…I am going to see if I can find a “wee rascal” and make you a signature to use!! :lol: :lol: :lol:Angelwolf
angelwolf00 replied to the topic True Lies One in the board Art, poetry, music and film 19 years ago
Because poets in particular wear their hearts on their sleeves…or else they wouldn’t be able to write poetry with emotions. He probably thought you were just making smart-ass comments on his poem, and retaliated the way he did.Like the comment about ….”It’s not as if this was one of his particularly perverted stories (I don’t think he even…[Read more]
angelwolf00 replied to the topic True Lies One in the board Art, poetry, music and film 19 years ago
Most poets I know write in prose it’s easier to write and some like it better.
WHAT IS PROSE!You are not wrong just confused :roll: …it is poetry, just in “prose form”
angelwolf00 replied to the topic True Lies One in the board Art, poetry, music and film 19 years ago
James I understand what you are saying most people don’t know there are SOOOO many forms of poetry.
CHECK THIS OUT!You know I don’t write haiku’s because to me that’s not poetry, but it really is.
That is why I am glad the acrostic and the limerick thread were started these are two forms of poetry. Poetry comes in a lot of forms. I hope that…[Read more]
angelwolf00 replied to the topic Nationality in the board Polls 19 years ago
I am an American!!Angelwolf
angelwolf00 replied to the topic 5 kinds of sex in the board Jokes and humourous links 19 years ago
LOL!! I use to have a friend I called Smurf…long story!! This is funny!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
angelwolf00 replied to the topic This made me smile in the board Jokes and humourous links 19 years ago
This is so true…!! :lol: :lol:Angelwolf
angelwolf00 replied to the topic True Lies One in the board Art, poetry, music and film 19 years ago
I Love this…mysterious, and interesting…another title for this could have been “Another Dimension”….this is a MUST read poem!! :lol: :lol:Angelwolf
angelwolf00 replied to the topic My Trek in the board Art, poetry, music and film 19 years ago
What an errie walk William, this was good!! I felt like I was right there! Ghosts and scary stuff! :twisted:Angelwolf
angelwolf00 replied to the topic ** Limerick ** in the board Art, poetry, music and film 19 years ago
A psychiatrist and a proctologist from Stutts
Did really show some pure guts.
They put up a sign
At 4th Street and Vine.
That read we treat NUTS and BUTTS!!Angelwolf
angelwolf00 replied to the topic ** Limerick ** in the board Art, poetry, music and film 19 years ago
Since most limericks are naughty I found this one…..Jack and Jill went up the hill to smoke a little reef
Jack got high, unzipped his fly
And Jill said,”Where’s the beef?”Angelwolf
angelwolf00 replied to the topic I’m a Dreamer in the board Art, poetry, music and film 19 years ago
Dream on William……….. :DAngelwolf
angelwolf00 replied to the topic A Womans Dream (Acrostic) in the board Art, poetry, music and film 19 years ago
~ Butterfly ~B- Beautiful creature of nature
U- Unfolds colorful wings
T- Travels from flower to flower
T- Taking a risk adventuring
E- Ethereal and delicate
R- Revels in summer’s clime
F- Flys away from catcher’s net
L- Leaving peril behind
Y- Yearns for one more day in time
angelwolf00 replied to the topic Understand in the board Art, poetry, music and film 19 years ago
William, what brought this about? I have never been offended at all. You have always been nice and courteous, and just a sweet man! I hope you don’t change….stay the same William we know, and LOVE!! :lol: :lol:
angelwolf00 replied to the topic THINK ON THIS in the board Art, poetry, music and film 19 years ago
Thought provoking indeed this poem is!! I do think I am a mixture of all three. :?: I really liked this one William, it is a strong poem with a message!! :!: :!:Angelwolf
angelwolf00 replied to the topic A Womans Dream (Acrostic) in the board Art, poetry, music and film 19 years ago
S is for SUNSHINE, you emit every day.
T is for TENDERNESS, to me you convey.P is for PLEASING me, during moments of bliss.
A is for ARDOR you put into each kiss.
T is for TIME together, which we don’t have enough
R is for our ROMANTIC feelings when we hunger for
I is for INSPIRATION your love has inspired.
C is…[
angelwolf00 replied to the topic A Poem About Love in the board Art, poetry, music and film 19 years ago
Hi there,
I like this poem because it conveys that love is strange. It makes us confused and yet we all desire it!!Angelwolf
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