Scep…how right that is…Baaaaa Humbug. Lolol…New Years Eve makes me laugh…Before midnight or the chimes at midnight everyone love everyone but one minute after midnight they loath each othet. Lol.
Needless too mention I never venture out New Years Eve.
Goung into town very early thus morning ( 8.00 am )..But I had no choice…Anyhow doung what I needed too do but also looking at all the stresssed out faces on people going mad too get itens like its going too be the last item that ever exists…CHRISTMAS IT’S ONE DAY!!!!…Anyhow no matter what they rush out to get now for Chrustmas Day byt by Boxing Day it shall be reduced…
And for the ones who love themselves it would be a very large mirror to go with their very large ego so they can stand in front of such item and feed themselves compliments…
I agree with you all, people are like that anywhere and everywhere but my thought wad about my very first time in a chat room, how gullible I was back then….Im sure when some of us first used chat maybe we were the same…Or maybe it was just myself. Lol.
Hello evetyone..Well Arcen you’re probably right about tasteful phptographs for the just chat calender, however I was hoping that Orson would be December..My guess is that he would look very fetching holding a sprig of holly with a smile and a glint in his eyes lol.