Forum Replies Created
13 January, 2017 at 9:47 pm #1019717
Hello sommer…How are you… Im alright thank you…xx
13 January, 2017 at 6:57 pm #1019691Hello everyone…Now im getting confused with all the names…Taffy and Bluenose ??..Wyoming and Scottish.
Im a non drinker but can someone pass me a few pints, I maybe able to make sense of it
9 January, 2017 at 7:41 pm #1019297Hello everyone…Coventry, for the ones who like too shop then it’s rather a nice shopping city but somehow I doubt you’re thete for the shopping but for a happy time partying..Enjoy all and stay safe..
4 January, 2017 at 6:09 pm #1018778Hello everyone…Just too clarify something about my last post..About the egomaniacs ect…I’ve mentioned before in posts that there are some nice people in chat…So when I mention egomaniacs I’m not refuring to EVERYONE..
3 January, 2017 at 2:00 pm #1012761Hello everyone.
I would like to give the above medals too the ego maniacs in chat just so they can have something else to be egotistical about.
27 December, 2016 at 12:35 pm #1012402Hello everyone….New Year Resolution, I don’t have one but it’s more about doung what you want really such as a goal, for example a place you would love too visit or something you wish to acheive.
My thought each year is that the previous year has ended and now its time to make way for a new one so lets live life, be happy and if we’ve made mistakes the previous year then try not to repeat the same thing..Leave the padt in the past and never look back.
Have a good New year and if you really want something enough then start to take the path that leads you too that…Even though you may think its difficult…TRY IT…x
23 December, 2016 at 4:31 pm #1012303Oh yes and another thing about my previous rantings…They say there is no money about…HYSTERICAL when youre being confronted with greedy individual’s who have to fill their trolleys so high that it resembles some leaning tower…IF THEY ARE IN DEBT serves them right because they have to pay it back in the new year and beyond.
Ok I understand people have children who WANT WANT WANT but SERIOUSLY…IF you dont have the money then you can’t get the items.
Sorry people but AAARRRGGGHHH..
Rant over..
23 December, 2016 at 10:43 am #1012286Giid morning too you all..
Well this post is about what has peed you off…DONT GET ME STARTED…
On visiting Tesco this morning…VERY EARLY as I’m in work for mid day today…I take a look of horror.. OH YES PEOPLE..The car oark looked like it ususlky woyld on a Saturday afternoon…( this was 6.45 am ).
Im thinking FOR GOODNESS SAKE…As I only had to get a small amount of items….( THE ELECTRICAL ITEM THEY DID NOT HAVE )…After waiting for about 15 mins for assistance to be told that…IT WAS ON DISPLAY!!!!
Then i walked around the store proceeding too get the few things I needed too get only too be confronted by IDIOTS who’s trolleys are full enough too feed the starving people of the world..( no doubt before the New year half of the food they bought will be binned..( SERVES THEM RIGHT FOR BEING GREEDY )…
Thank you for producing this post…I now feel better….
Merry Christmas..x
21 December, 2016 at 6:37 pm #1012178Hello everyone…After reading this post I have to mention the experience I’ve had in chat…I no longer go into the chat room because like some people over a period of time I’ve moved on and what with having a new job the time is spent doing other things in my free time.
In fairness I have had several laughs in chat but also the wanna be hard people wishing to hurl insults and so fourth..( Is it because I’m Welsh).. lol…But as I recall mentioning one time to several people…Would you mention that too my face with the following of, I’m counting my blessings that I dont have to live with you.
Sorry had too get that in.
What I learned and no doubt so has many others overtime that one of the common denominators are revealing all about the meetings and chats on the phone that people have with other chatters.
It does give ammunition for the gossips.
They say a still tongue keeps a wise head.
If and I mention IF I ever go back into chat I shall be declining the private chats by people who have pm me because ( now this is not all but indeed a lot ) there is usually some ulterior motive…( Sadly ).
But some of the times I’ve had in chat has been decent and with some ( What appears decent people )…
The best thing to do with chat is not to take it seriously or keep having that on your mind when you log off because then you can take it or leave it.
Happy Christmas too all and have a peaceful time.
Arguing in some chat site is negative and the reality is…it solves nothing.
20 December, 2016 at 6:36 pm #1012086I shall be happy to contribute too a gift for some chatters….A Therapist…Good Tidings too all…?