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  • #512902

    Hello everyone.

    I shall mention to Panda,,,WELL DONE that lady,,,give me animals to chat to anyday,,I now know why i somtimes venture into forum 3, but they do say, when at the zoo keep you’re distance.

    But on a more serious note, if you are happy with the life you live,,then i say brilliant. Im 47 ( in case no one had any idea ), No children, but i do have a husband, and of course my baby,,,Minature yorkshire terrier named Nessa.

    When the time comes for me to depart from this world, then i have already explained to my husband and of course my mother that i dont wish to have a plot,,I have requested to have my ashes scatters over one of my favourite places,

    Ohhh is this getting morbid,,,,


    Hello everyone,

    My mood day is one of calm and relaxed, ( i have had a long weekend off ),,However, today i went to a christening,,it was lovely, there i was sat in the church,,which again was a lovely place.

    But it is funny how when the minister conducting the service mentions things, it really does make you reflect on life, and other people.

    So yes, i have had a lovely day, and now im ending the day with my feet up, watching television, hot cut of tea and my pyjamas on,

    Have fun everyone.


    Maybe that vile creature Ian Brady will have his karma in the after life,,meeting the people he took from this world, with any luck,,it will be hell for him.

    I watched a documentary on the Moors Murders,,i was mortified on what i saw on the television, but it had been said that Myra Hyndley did not actually commit the murders,,,i believe it was Ian Brady who commited the actual murders but Myra Hyndley drew in the poor children. In any event,,Myra knew what Ian was going to do and had done previously.

    After watching the documentary i recall thinking to myself,,what draws people to act in that manner and commit and act of evil. Makes you shudder at the thought of it.


    Hello people,,,With reference to the last posting,,,Thank you Mrs Tea Pot, Rouge Trader and all etc,,,,look forward to some more postings, photographs etc.


    WOW the Blckpool meet,,i wonder if i had been allowed,,what with my being welsh,,,Beddai wedi bod yn braf cael riden ur yn mawn reid sy’n yw pobl, lol.

    No that was not welsh for meet you near the tower, :lol:

    All jokes aside though people,,after reading what Rouge Trader had typed, i personaly feel sorry for him because there are people who mention they will go, and have no intensions of going,, ( maybe they have good reasons, who knows ) now as for myself,,i would have gone, if only to stand by the bar and take notes using my Monte Blanc pen, you could have come along and said hello,,,this is me by the way.


    :lol: Im sat here laughing at some of the photographs,,fair play, brilliant.


    Hello everyone, i enjoy the pets thread, here is my Nessa,,,,


    I enjoy the beef curry from the chinese that i usually have my take away from,,,not very chinese i know,,but still delectable with every mouthful.


    Just took the time to look at a few pictures that had been placed in here, some nice ones,,so i thought i would add a few. No fantasising now ok people… :lol:


    Hello everyone,,im not new to just chat, but im new to the board’s..thought i would give this a go and what better way to start off by replying to this particular post.

    I have to agree about the sniping, arguing etc,,but i will admit i never use the ignore button, even though it is available for everyone to use, what i usually do is just not get involved full stop, the way i see it is as follows,,,This is a chat room. ( yes everyone should have a good time, have a laugh ), but even aknowledging that a lot of arguing and sniping etc goes on, just do what i do,,think to yourself,,you dont have to live with these people,. be friends with them, or even have them in you’re life.,,,hey, it keeps me happy. Ok,,back to it….

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