Forum Replies Created
17 November, 2012 at 4:38 pm #515455
Hello everyone.
Well,. not sure why a certain person keeps getting booted, but it proves one thing,,,im not in there often enough to know the reasons and get involved.
However, going back to what Boo mentioned,,,very correct,,,take the mature option and ignore it all.
Not sure if the minority or the majority take chat rooms seriously, but i have always mentioned,,you start thinking about the chat room when you log off, then there is danger.
( sorry guys, but that is my way of thinking, it probably isnt other peoples way of thinking )
But i will mention this,,,,people who log in to cause drama, hassles, aggro etc, do it because they are in pain with their own lives, and just for that few moments of causing other people hassles etc, do it so they can feel better,,,even if it is only for a few moments of their lives.
16 November, 2012 at 7:26 pm #515414Hello everyone,,,,Good post this is,,some of the ideas made me laugh,,,
Now if i were Prime Minister i would send all the youngsters who dont wish to work over to where our boys are right now…Help them out and hopefully do something constructive,
On that note, did anyone used to watch Bad Lads Army :lol:
12 November, 2012 at 11:34 am #515199:lol: Hello everyone,,i could’nt help laugh at the comment that panda has made about getting another cat,,,good idea Panda,,im off to get another dog to keep the onei have company :lol: ,,im so laughing,,thank you,,,,
Mind you,,i think Eltons husband David alright,,,what a waste :?
31 October, 2012 at 11:35 am #513490Hello Everyone.
I like Tom Jones,..,OK im welsh,,.but Tom has good vocals. he also has an aire of menace,,,, :wink:
Maybe that is another topic for another post,,,who knows.
29 October, 2012 at 10:10 am #513524:lol: Saddly Anc no,,but if i had, somehow i doubt it would make any difference :lol:
29 October, 2012 at 10:06 am #512114Hello everone.
Blimey i only came onto the boards to do something different than forrum 3. However, after my comment about the late Jimmy Savile, it appears that for some reason a cetain person went off on one.
That is fine, but i just find it a bit odd to be honest as everyone else in here had an opinion, I guess it maybe ( i mention maybe ) the case of wanting to be clever or trying to be the big i am.
Anyhow,,enough said, we could go back and fore all day, and honestly everyone, this is the boards,,that is all, not the meaning of life and not life itself. So as stated in previous postings, feel free to rant ( whoever wishes to do so ).
But this wont stop me posting in here, far be it from me to let people spoil what i wish to do in life.
Anyhow, happy days.
28 October, 2012 at 9:51 pm #512105@rubyred wrote:
@Ang47 Wales wrote:
Hello everyone.
And the sniping continues,,,Oh what is that ,,,yes, the band wagon has just passed me by, but i refuse to jump on it,,, :lol:
Ooops you did it again !!
Hello everyone ( yes i have done it again )..Why do people get irate in here, its the boards,,or is this another place for self loathing and bigging yourself up,,anyhow,,silence if golden so happy ranting,,,, :lol:
28 October, 2012 at 2:09 pm #512101Hello everyone.
And the sniping continues,,,Oh what is that ,,,yes, the band wagon has just passed me by, but i refuse to jump on it,,, :lol:
27 October, 2012 at 7:51 pm #513522December 20th 1994 i met my husband, but didint get married until March 30th 2002. Been through a lot during that time, but gladly im now at a point in my life that i have found all the answers i was looking for. ( sad i know, however true ).
27 October, 2012 at 7:31 pm #512093Hello everyone.
Day in day out we read or here about the late Jimmy Savile. I did ask myself, What good will all this do bringing it up now, Jimmy Savile cannot be brought to justice, Do the victims have to chat to someone from the authorities about their horrid ordeal. ( i know it is something that people will not forget ).
I saw on the news this morning ( that someone had mentioned ) that these victims of the late Jimmy Savile maybe able to move on once they have come forward and able to discuss what happend to them but clearly will never forget.
If i had that experience, im not sure what i would do,,,i honestly dont,,,Would it help you move on??
In any event, im getting a bit fed up of hearing about it on a daily basis because it makes me think about what goes through someones mind to do that to children. teenagers etc.