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  • #467246

    Hello everyone.

    Absolutly adourable all the photographs of all the pets.

    Here is one of the love’s of my life, shie is 4, Nessa,


    CYNICAL!!,,,( yes i am ).


    Hello everyone.

    After reading this post,,,it is at last being typed what i have thought over time now.

    I dont log into the actual chat room as often as i used to,,( been doing other things in real life ), however it is right that people do take it as real life.

    I can only mention what i have actually noticed,,and it is the following, chatters keeing the argument going over and over and over and over,,( yes you get the picture ).

    Then you have other chatters mentioning that they are logging off because they are fed up of the idiots,,,yet there they still are time and time again, ( from what i have noticed before )

    It makes me think that when they log off,,do they constantly think of the chat room,,and the arguments they have had,,just to get ready for round, etc.

    Anyhow,,,there is a life out there,,,and if all else fails, have you’re food delivered and a comode next to the computer in case you miss something. :lol:


    Rogue Trader,,,i dont care if you love another female in just chat,,,with a poem like that,,im am in love with you now,,,( but not in a stalking manner ),,,, :oops:


    @rogue trader wrote:

    to angie,

    dont beat yerself up about who did this,who did that
    she said that,he said this
    this is just chat
    just let your love flow xxx

    Hello Rogue Trader,,,i know love,think il shall retire,,,shame though if all was typed is true,,,i guess that is just life,,,and the situation will not be the first,,and probably not the last,,,,( i mean with other people in the same situation at some point )

    Maybe that is another post,,,Leave my name out of it,,,im staying in Wales :lol:


    With reference to the post about being a wind up,,,,im not sure,,however, if it is,,,errrmmm i cannot understand why,,,,( Think il just go and get myself a sense of humour ) :roll:


    Hello Everyone.

    I would like to take this opportunity to mention that i hope Panda is alright,,( really now )..

    As regards to what happend at the said encounter, well i guess experience is to be learned from. Not really knowing any of the chatters involved ( only from the boards ), i guess it is a shame really.

    Time and time again i have learned that people have met, and it usually ends in one of the party being ignored,,,( wether that be the male or female ).

    The sad fact is,,people can entice people on the net,. some give them false hope,,,and lead them on, cleary for their own selfish benefits. ( sad but true ). Without knowing what really happend,,all i can mention is this,,,,If we live and learn from the mistakes we have made, then the mistakes we have made were never in vain


    Hello everyone,

    Well this is interesting, people fall in love wether they are married to other people or not,,,but it is sad in a way as somewhere along the line desicions have to be made,,,difficult one really,,,,i guess it comes down to who or what you value the most,,,,but however,,,still a difficult situation to be in,

    Some people will shout from the rooftops about other people having affairs,,,my thought on this is,,things happen for a reason,,so judge no one as only the people concerned know the circumstances,

    I have known of many who have had affairs,,,and thankfully some turned out to make their marriage work,,,good result ,,,,i guess if the love if strong enough,,it will win in the end, no matter which direction the person or persons decide to go.

    Happiness is the key along with peace of mind,,,,and as long as you have that,.then you will have it all ( just my opinion ).

    Just getting carried away i think,,sorry guys,,,,,


    @rusty trawler wrote:

    @Ang47 Wales wrote:

    Hello everyone.

    This post made me think about Christmas, so here goes.

    I dont want anything and that is true,
    I just want to live my life i really do,
    When everyone around me is in total panic,
    Il be making sure that life around me is not manic.
    But when Christmas day arrives and you are at home,
    Think of some people that will be spending Chrismas alone.
    When the New Year arrives, and mistakes are fogotten,
    Leave the past behind as it can make you feel rotten.
    So this leaves me to mention promise yourself something.
    But remember this thought, empty promises mean nothing.

    Just remember to have a happy Christmas and i hope that what you need or desire in you’re life arrives for you.

    I think I’d like an Ang for Xmas. They sound lovely.

    Thank ypu Rusty Trawler,,i guess i was typing something from the heart,,,,and with my experiences.


    Hello everyone.

    This post made me think about Christmas, so here goes.

    I dont want anything and that is true,
    I just want to live my life i really do,
    When everyone around me is in total panic,
    Il be making sure that life around me is not manic.
    But when Christmas day arrives and you are at home,
    Think of some people that will be spending Chrismas alone.
    When the New Year arrives, and mistakes are fogotten,
    Leave the past behind as it can make you feel rotten.
    So this leaves me to mention promise yourself something.
    But remember this thought, empty promises mean nothing.

    Just remember to have a happy Christmas and i hope that what you need or desire in you’re life arrives for you.

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