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  • #521689

    Hello everyone,,,I like this thread on up dated photographs,,,so,,here i am,,,,,Im sure a lot in just chat will find it appealing :lol:


    Hello Everyone.

    Jen Jen, no problem..thank you anyhow, things in here can be mis understood,,just as it can in the chat room,,so,,once again thank you and no worries.

    If i do come across as arrogant, condascending, egotisitcal and so fouth,,then seriously,,i dont mean to be.

    The bottom line is Im only having a laugh, and seriously,,no offence meant towards other people,,However, that is not to say that my opinions on the reviews wont stand,,because they do,,and what I have experienced in the world of chat.

    I shall walk away gracefully and mention nothing more.

    Happy chatting everyone. ( Not in a condascending manner ).


    The posting below is based on the poster’s own opinions and odd sense of humour.
    No malice or offence is intended.
    No liability will be accepted if the reader does not like it.


    Must dash.

    Yours Trully
    Arrogant, and anything else,,,,( Laughable ) :lol:

    Happy Chatting, ( In a patronising way of course )


    Hello Everyone.

    I shall now give yet another honest opinion on what I have read,,and turthfully it appears that some people with want the last with with an ECHO!!!

    Anyhow,no doubt some or several will come back with some comment,,but while you are doing so,,l’l try not to loose sleep over it.

    Happy Chatting.

    Patronising, Condascending etc. :lol:


    With reference to the post. I think people need to get their facts rights, I have an opinion on what I think about most people in just chat, however, I dont even go into the room, all I was doing was replying to the post on bullying, which is accurate as I had seen when I used to go into the main room.

    Think of me as you will, but seriously, my opinions will never alter because I go by fact not fiction. If that upsets a few people then so be it. If it upsets you that much, maybe you are taking Just Chat more serious than you are letting on.

    All I can mention is this,,,One day maybe some of you will wake up, as bitter or as negative as I appear, my opinion will never change because truthfully, the reviews were accurate as is this post on bullying.

    Dont grow old in the land of chat now ok. Enough mentioned!!

    Have a nice one.


    On that note,,I stll see there are a few people who assume everything yet know nothing,,oh well the land of the chat still goes on.

    Thank goodness some chatters are not on jury service, the defendant will be found guilty before he or she arrives at court.

    Must dash, things to do etc, ( some wont know that though ) they are far too busy in the life of chat.

    I shall just let you all carry on with your battle of the fonts and wanting to be the big person. urrgghhh!!!!


    Hello Everyone.

    After reading this post I have to agree, I have seen first hand what goes on with different people.

    However, I have had opinions before,,some agree, some don’t, that is how it is.

    While I was in the chat room a while ago, there were a few people ( yet again ) playing battle of the fonts, as in mouthing off ( or should I mention fonting off ) towards different people. Makes you ask the question. Would they mention the same things face to face to the recipient?? Somehow I doubt it because it appears that they wish to act like the big man, or woman down the pub claiming how tough they are.

    Just do what I do,,and think to yourself,,thank goodness I dont have to live with them. ( and possibly people think the same towards me ),.,But still,,such as life,,onwards and upwards, and keep smiling.


    Well I always believe in the following, If you have a gut feeling about something then go with it as it is there for a reason.
    But whatever may happen, I just hope it wont be too tragic,,,,for example, British Airways going on strike, The price on fuel will go up yet again and everyone in Just Chat will love each other and the arguing will be in the past.

    Ok,,.Im just messing about,,But seriously Rogue, I dont think it is silly,,go with a gut feeling,,and I mean for everything.


    Hello Everyone.

    In fairness, a few well made points here. However it is no different to what I have thought all along. Blimey, it appears I have missed more sniping and arguing.

    I’m not sure though I understand why people claim that boyfriends go off with someone else ( was that some boyfriend going off with another chatter )?

    If that were to be the case, he is possibly doing the JUST CHAT ROUNDS,,,lol,,,sorry guys,,but you have to smile.

    Makes me glad i never did mention anything about my private life in the room or to anyone else,,Well not unless you count the time i met my lover in the supermarket along the cheese isle but after countless promises of leaving his wife he then decided to stay for the children who are 23 and 25,,,Still his brother was a great comfort,,then again he also had a demanding wife,,,Blimey no peace. LOL.


    It appears I have hit several, if not many nerves in here with my subject ( a truthful subject ) on the just chat reviews.

    People have found friendship’s in here, even relationship’s,,( most dont last beyond next week ) that is another story by many no doubt. ( oh sorry,,sarcastic ).

    However I still stand by what I have mentioned.

    So thank you for having mentioned that I can stick my review,however,
    Im sure it made you feel better about yourself. ( yes I know, sarcastic yet again ).

    So while some of you in here will be wanting a battle of the font’s. ( I shall leave that to the Just Chat lifers ). I shall do my best not to think about it too much while im participating in some annual leave, which of course, people who work are entitled too.

    Oooops,,,yet again sarcastic.

    Dont grow old in there now. :roll:

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