• Hello everyone,,,I like this thread on up dated photographs,,,so,,here i am,,,,,Im sure a lot in just chat will find it appealing :lol:

  • Hello Everyone.

    Jen Jen, no problem..thank you anyhow, things in here can be mis understood,,just as it can in the chat room,,so,,once again thank you and no worries.

    If i do come across as arrogant, condascending, egotisitcal and so fouth,,then seriously,,i dont mean to be.

    The bottom line is Im only having a laugh, and seriously,,no offence…[Read more]

  • The posting below is based on the poster’s own opinions and odd sense of humour.
    No malice or offence is intended.
    No liability will be accepted if the reader does not like it.


    Must dash.

    Yours Trully
    Arrogant, and anything else,,,,( Laughable ) :lol:

    Happy Chatting, ( In a patronising way of course )

  • Hello Everyone.

    I shall now give yet another honest opinion on what I have read,,and turthfully it appears that some people with want the last with with an ECHO!!!

    Anyhow,no doubt some or several will come back with some comment,,but while you are doing so,,l’l try not to loose sleep over it.

    Happy Chatting.

    Patronising, Condascending etc. :lol:

  • With reference to the post. I think people need to get their facts rights, I have an opinion on what I think about most people in just chat, however, I dont even go into the room, all I was doing was replying to the post on bullying, which is accurate as I had seen when I used to go into the main room.

    Think of me as you will, but seriously, my…[Read more]

  • On that note,,I stll see there are a few people who assume everything yet know nothing,,oh well the land of the chat still goes on.

    Thank goodness some chatters are not on jury service, the defendant will be found guilty before he or she arrives at court.

    Must dash, things to do etc, ( some wont know that though ) they are far too busy in the…[Read more]

  • Hello Everyone.

    After reading this post I have to agree, I have seen first hand what goes on with different people.

    However, I have had opinions before,,some agree, some don’t, that is how it is.

    While I was in the chat room a while ago, there were a few people ( yet again ) playing battle of the fonts, as in mouthing off ( or should I mention…[Read more]

  • Well I always believe in the following, If you have a gut feeling about something then go with it as it is there for a reason.
    But whatever may happen, I just hope it wont be too tragic,,,,for example, British Airways going on strike, The price on fuel will go up yet again and everyone in Just Chat will love each other and the arguing will be in…[Read more]

  • Hello Everyone.

    In fairness, a few well made points here. However it is no different to what I have thought all along. Blimey, it appears I have missed more sniping and arguing.

    I’m not sure though I understand why people claim that boyfriends go off with someone else ( was that some boyfriend going off with another chatter )?

    If that were to…[Read more]

  • It appears I have hit several, if not many nerves in here with my subject ( a truthful subject ) on the just chat reviews.

    People have found friendship’s in here, even relationship’s,,( most dont last beyond next week ) that is another story by many no doubt. ( oh sorry,,sarcastic ).

    However I still stand by what I have mentioned.

    So thank you…[Read more]

  • Hello everyone.

    In reference to my coming across as bitter,,,If that is how I appear, then so be it,,,but I guess a lot of the people who typed out a review must also be bitter.

    Im just mentiong what I have actually seen during my time in the chat room. What I mentiond was fact, not fiction.

    If that comes across as my having a go at…[Read more]

  • Hello everyone,

    Regarding my post on the Just Chat Review,,I see there has been some nice feedback. But first of all let me mention something to Blonde 55,,,May i firstly explain about people who dont work,,Ok some dont have to work,,but i know from experience that during my time i used the chat room,,there were a few in that room who not only…[Read more]

  • Hello Everyone,

    Tin Tin,,im so sorry for your loss,,i didint know snugz that well but out paths did cross in the land of just chat on the odd occasion,,, we always typed hello to each other.

    Once again, im sorry for your loss and good luck with whatever it is you wish in life.

    Dont grieve as i have not gone.
    Dont be sad as im with you all…[Read more]

  • Hello everyone,

    Well,,what a wonderful story, it brings a whole new meaning to people who think they are clever and have it all,,,Thank you for sharing that with us all,,i really enjoyed that,,i just wish i could have had the chance to converse with that lady and mention to her of my doings overtime. ( all in good taste i may add ).

    Well done…[Read more]

  • My lovely Nessa,,,,love her loads.

  • Ang47 Wales replied to the topic Jobs in the board Chat forum three boards 12 years ago

    Hello everyone.

    I would be a chat guide,,,I like the idea of the power at my fingertips,,,I would get rid of the people who make my skin crawl in just chat,, ( there would not be many left in just chat after that ). However, that would be after i used them for my own selfish benefits, and when i got bored ( which would happen quickly in most…[Read more]

  • Hello everyone,,,

    I had to laugh at the,,dumped by text post,,,now that is an idea,,,OK im married,,however,just for the experience of all that happens in the world of just chat, i think i shall bag myself someone from just chat,,then dump them via font,,,i may even go one better and do it in the main room,,,still im sure it will give plenty of…[Read more]

  • @sceptical guy wrote:

    Now then, now then, what’s going on ‘ere then??

    I’ve had a report from a Mr Super Mario that he’s bein’ put upon by a woman, and I believe the woman is married.

    I’d just like to remind you all to read Ang’s mail, as God came down to Ang with commandments he’d forgotten to give Moses, what wiv Moses not then living in the…

    [Read more]

  • @tinks wrote:

    i love threads like these :D

    So do i Tinks,,,totaly agree with you,,,it is lovely to see all the chatters pets,,

  • Hello everyone,,,

    Well not sure if ths is a wind up or not,,however,,here are a few rules of the chat world…,this may help some people,,,

    1…..Never get attached to anyone on just chat
    2…..Never hang onto every word they type to you
    3…..Never think about the person when you log off
    4…..And the last one ( but there are a few more no…[Read more]

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