anaconda f replied to the topic Try to stop smoking thread in the board Chat forum three boards 18 years, 8 months ago
On wednesday it will be 18 weeks since i last had a cigarette, the other night i dreamt that i smoked one and some one said to me ‘bet that tasted horrible’ and i said ‘no it tasted great’. :lol: I must admit I do still miss them sometimes but i would never go back to smoking now after all this time.
anaconda f replied to the topic WHERE HAS…. in the board Off topic chat 18 years, 8 months ago
Think its something to do with summer Gyps
anaconda f replied to the topic What music are you listening to??? in the board Off topic chat 18 years, 8 months ago
Lamento Boliviano by Toque D’ Keda
anaconda f replied to the topic what movie would best describe your life right now? in the board Off topic chat 18 years, 8 months ago
9 1/2 weeks :lol:
anaconda f replied to the topic so what do you think? in the board Off topic chat 18 years, 8 months ago
Errrmmm Cath, I am assuming this date is with the male of the species??? They are not thinking about the vibes a woman is giving off, they are only thinking how they can get into her knickers and how long it will take them :wink: :lol:
anaconda f replied to the topic QUIZ ROOM LEAGUE TABLE 2006 – 2011 in the board Chat forum two boards 18 years, 9 months ago
Well thats a lovely position to be in Tory Girl :wink: Have been so busy lately but really must come tonight (to the quiz that is,you dirty minded lot) :lol:
Cant believe i have got all those points PP1 but not gna query it :D -
anaconda f replied to the topic Remembering Butterfly in the board Chat forum three boards 18 years, 10 months ago
Can’t believe a year has gone past since we lost Butterfly
anaconda f replied to the topic Try to stop smoking thread in the board Chat forum three boards 18 years, 10 months ago
Still not had one since the 8th March, dont know who is more surprised that i have done it, me or my family and friends. Havn’t used any patches for 2 weeks now and altho i do still want one now an then it passes and life is better for it. :D
anaconda f replied to the topic Happy birthday mims in the board Chat forum three boards 18 years, 10 months ago
anaconda f replied to the topic Happy Birthday Catmanblue xx xx in the board Chat forum three boards 18 years, 11 months ago
Oww sowwy i missed it Catty, glad you had a great day.
anaconda f replied to the topic Try to stop smoking thread in the board Chat forum three boards 18 years, 11 months ago
Hiya all, on 15th day and doing well, :D ok so the cravings still come sometimes but I am stronger than them :lol: well i just ring a friend and scream down the phone :lol: and he puts cotton wool in his ears :lol: the clinic is a great help, although it started out as 15 of us and this Monday there were only 5 of us. :(
My money pot has…[
anaconda f replied to the topic Me n Angel in the board Chat forum three boards 19 years ago
sounds good to me
anaconda f replied to the topic What one word describes you today? in the board Off topic chat 19 years ago
anaconda f replied to the topic Try to stop smoking thread in the board Chat forum three boards 19 years ago
Well got thro the 1st day yesterday with help from everyone and by taking down the nets and cleaning.
First thing in the morning was hard when I had my cuppa so came on the computer an chatted to friends.
Next hiccup was going out to lunch but friend took me to a no smoking place, i was fine till i had finished my meal then all i could think about…[Read more] -
anaconda f replied to the topic POST YOUR FUNNY PICS HERE :) in the board Chat forum three boards 19 years ago
anaconda f replied to the topic POST YOUR FUNNY PICS HERE :) in the board Chat forum three boards 19 years ago
and more
anaconda f replied to the topic POST YOUR FUNNY PICS HERE :) in the board Chat forum three boards 19 years ago
If dads brought the kids up
anaconda f replied to the topic Try to stop smoking thread in the board Chat forum three boards 19 years ago
Group at the clinic at the hospital CC, some of the peole there are very negative about doing it tho, had to puff in the carbon monoxide machine this week for 1st time and then hopefully next Monday it will show a big 00 :lol: :lol:
Thanks for the tips :D -
anaconda f replied to the topic does siZe matter Boys…?? in the board Off topic chat 19 years ago
Sings: When he’s at my gate, with a big fat eight, you wanna see the smile on my face :lol:
anaconda f replied to the topic Try to stop smoking thread in the board Chat forum three boards 19 years ago
Awww thanks CC, any tips for when u feel you really want one :?: :?:
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