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  • #108251

    What pretty lyrics! Sung by??????


    At this very moment I’m thinking I really deserve a night out tonight. I’m going to get my drink on with some old friends. #-o < And hopefully not feel like that in the morning (meaning a head ache)


    Like Oh My God – You’re picture is like totally bitc hen

    Fer Sure

    Like oh my God!! But, what’s up with the old lady’s dress? She totally needs like a mini skirt. Like I’m so totally sure. Why would she wear that? I mean, it’s like so totally gross.

    Fer Sure

    *** Yes, I think in the next life I’d like to be a Valley Girl


    lol – Poor thing
    I really appreicate the help
    Much Thanks :D


    Hee hee hee – B o l l o x
    What an adorable word




    Yes – But you had a good time right?


    High points
    1. My son learning new words
    2. New Nephew
    3. Going to Vegas
    4. Got my body back
    5. I’m still here

    Low Points
    1. Loosing grandparent
    2. Spending time with in-laws
    3. Married Life
    4. Let some friendships go
    5. Fracture to my finger

    I’m sure I’ll come up with 6 – 10 Soon enough :roll:


    Oh great – what ya saying then? You’re really a 15 year old girl who lives in Canada – aren’t you??


      She was a fast machine
      She kept her motor clean
      She was the best damn woman that I’ve ever seen
      She had the sightless eyes
      Telling me no lies
      Knockin’ me out with those American thighs

      hee hee hee xxxx AC-DC

    I sang my ass off to this today so I thoght I should post it

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