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  • #274575

    Dear sister Cath. This dressing that you say you know about, is it to do with the manhood?

    I have no wish to become over personal with a large and fine lady such as yourself but I have no complaints with this dressing. Here it is hot and all men wear loose cloths to protect themselves and for the modesty. (A man’s meat must only be seen by his wifes).

    In this way it is no matter which way a man hang as long as there is plenty meat there to hang. I am very sure that with you I would not hang down very much.

    Have you or the recommended and highly spoken of Emma been able to think on my proposition. I am having the space for more companionships of the sort of thing that my good freinds on the JustChat have said to me.


    @fastcars wrote:

    If it was goats he was after he would have registered on the RSPCA site. As it is… hes after fat women….. thats why hes registered here.. 8)

    Mr fast cars my Dutch freind you are most assuredly correct in what you say. Here in Nigeria we do not plant our seeds into wild animals and goats are for eating only. I do not know the method of the cooking as my wifes are to be responsible for this aspect but they do not attain a great age here.

    And to my dear plump Cath are you only 55 years of age? This is a great age for a woman to be and you would most assuredly be very senior in a Nigerian household. Most wifes are only much young and do not have the great experience of taking care of a man. Older women are much more to be admired for their greater knowledge of such matters.

    It is a difficult thing to make choice of. Are you fatter that this Emma who my Dutch freind Mr Fast Car has said such good things of. If you are fatter then you would most assuredly find a place for you here in my house.

    I am most interested in making you and would revel in the opportunity if one was to be presented to me.

    your good freind Adeboje.


    @hermangrrrman! wrote:

    Adeboje Mwambi why don’t you speak to a chatter called emmalush?
    She has a passion for Africans and I’m sure she will be happy to become your 15th wife.

    Dear Mr Hermann (you a German man yes?), thank you for your most kind informations. This Emma you speak of much highly, I hope that she is fat and likes Nigerian men.

    Many western women say they like Nigerians men but when it comes they don’t feel so good about this. Also we like our women fat as this says the man has big wealth and plenty money for food.

    Would this Emma be wanting me to assist her in the getting of great riches through my good friend and cousin? She could come in my village with my cousin and me and see how good it will be for her. He has many wifes and much wealth to keep her going.

    Blessings be upon you for the making of this most excellent thought in my direction.


    My dear freinds in JustChatters,

    Please for me to explain my kind offer to you all. No, I dont want to be having your personal matters or your secure numbers.

    I can make us all some money with this propostion from my excellent cousin and good freind Adamu Attah. Yes I would want for me to be receiving my just desserts as well from this golden windfall, but we must share together must we not?

    Cath you seem to be a nice woman and I have been seeing at your posts on this esteemed facility for many months now. Perhaps you would care to join with me and we could get happy together. My other wifes would not be in the least jealous as it is normal for a big man to have more than one big woman here.

    Peace on you all and even on the Dutch mans too.


    My wifes say to me that you have The Queen in the Great England also is known as ”Elton” and that this ”Elton” got married in Windsor by the famous castle.

    There were many many other queens there too but only the ”Elton” was the main queen for today.

    They also tell that Queen ”Elton” is most experienced at the blowing and have put a picture on our village noticeboard to show this ceremony.

    This is not at all like The Queen and I am asking you if this picture is a fake?


    Mrs Sian – your fame has spread as far to Nigeria where the many women of my village have been encouraged by your great and good example to eat the men for breakfast, lunch, and tea.

    Now they are complaining as they say this is too small and the are used to bigger and it is also not sunburnt as they have got used to.

    Have you more detailed medical illustrations photographs showing them the correct technique for this thing that you do every day in the Great Britain?


    I would wish to take the privilege to add the sign to the esteemed Mr ForumHostNM friendship book and to hope frevently for him to have many blessings from the loins.


    Good Morning Miss Kylee and you are in the usual way of the argument yes? My Chief, Dr Femi Asegun, is correct in his opinion I think about the American wifes.

    I am most anxious to learn of your culture as many of my countrymen are belief you have one. If the American wifes are lazy and not do the cooking and the cleaning for the house is it true that the husband they beat the wifes real good? In Nigeria the husband only beat his wifes a little bit when they need it.

    In Nigeria we see the CNN News lots of times and we know that all Americans wifes are very fat. This is truly so as the CNN News is great and good and do not tell the lie to us. Is this truly right?

    It is my fervent wish and so it is of my Chief that you may come to our village on of these days and the men of my village can rejoice in your greatness.


    Miss Kylee I see you are from America now in your messages and want to assure you that we do not matter this against you too much. It is not our fault that your countrymen get robbed in Lagos. Here in Yobe State we are nice people and are not the bad men who do these things. We like fat cows here.

    My Chief Dr Femi Asegun he says he do not want the American wifes as they complain all time and they always know their rights he say, but I do not agree. Americans do not know this much I think.


    @abitofmary_j wrote:

    lmfao… there’s a few Coo’s over here as well lol

    OI,,,,, ur RACISTS BTW……. ADEBOJE……!!!!!!!

    ENGLISH…… what aboot the Scottish… feckin ENGLISH….

    Miss Abito thank you for this and I see your name you are Nigerian also as you are a Scottish Coo yes?

    I read about this place called Scottish on Google and you eat the black pudding there no? Here we have a same meal which is traditional and is the black sausage. All our wifes eat this all the time and say it is most filling for them.

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