Adeboje Mwambi replied to the topic I am to be returning in the board Stories & Memories 14 years, 11 months ago
This evilness is an untrue lie. Nigerian businessman do not steal from the foreigners.
My good friend Chief Assegun is such a businessman and he has a good friend in the Ministry of Defence who is a Colonel who help him with the exporting of genuine money.
They have made good business now for many years and have not ever got into trouble with…[Read more]
Adeboje Mwambi replied to the topic 10 Years of Just Chat in the forum Official Announcement & Promotions 14 years, 11 months ago
@minim wrote:
Can you keep an eye on your goats Adeboje, I just found one wandering about in forum 3!:
In my village Minim, we have an saying.
A man who has many goats has richness, a man has few goats has poorer, and a man who has only one goat is in love.
Adeboje Mwambi replied to the topic How do you know…… in the board Getting serious 14 years, 11 months ago
@Confused wrote:
1. It’s important to have a woman who helps at home.
2. It’s important to have a woman who cooks from time to time.
3. It’s important to have a woman who keeps the house clean.
4. It’s important to have a woman who has a job.
5. It’s important to have a woman who likes you.
6. It’s important to have a woman who…
Adeboje Mwambi replied to the topic I am to be returning in the board Stories & Memories 14 years, 11 months ago
Oh Mrs Bat how nice it is for you to remember me. I hope you were missing me too much.
I was told by the excellent and stupendous leader of this marvellously JustChar in a news e-mail of his 10th celebrations. I could not let down my good friend Mr Martin and promised him to visit on his ten year old site.
So here we are many years older and…[Read more]
Adeboje Mwambi replied to the topic I am to be returning in the board Stories & Memories 14 years, 11 months ago
Thanks to you miss jen jen I have seen the Gazlan in here sometimes. He is a strange fellow with many ideas.
My cousin Olusun is look for a partner in the chemical business to assist in his exporting good Nigerian herbal medicines to your UK. The Gazlan is maybe such a person with plenty of experience in the herbal product and I will pass him…[Read more]
Adeboje Mwambi replied to the topic How do you know…… in the board Getting serious 14 years, 11 months ago
Thank you for the warmth of your embrace Miss jen jen, it is good feeling now to be amongst so many joyful happiness.
Adeboje Mwambi replied to the topic Wales Meet 2010 (Revised date and details) in the board Chat forum three boards 14 years, 11 months ago
I am most sorry to not be with you all and to share in the frolicking. Sadly it was a big distance for me to come.
May it be possible to hold this next time in Nigeria? I can promise you a warm hospitality in my village with lots of Nigerian activities and the women to have a full belly.
Adeboje Mwambi replied to the topic pensioner pregnant in the board Getting serious 14 years, 11 months ago
In my village we eating plenty of the bananas and I can promise that it keeps the man fit and strong for his wifes.
Many are the children born to the man who eats of the banana often.
Adeboje Mwambi replied to the topic How do you know…… in the board Getting serious 14 years, 11 months ago
Dear Mrs Confused, I have read your position with much sorrow. here in Nigeria we do not have such matters as our wifes are told to always obey the husbands. They have the job to look after his needs and to cook for him and to bear the children.
All the wifes in my village are most happy and sated and take no wish for more things to do with…[Read more]
Adeboje Mwambi replied to the topic 10 Years of Just Chat in the forum Official Announcement & Promotions 14 years, 11 months ago
Hello Miss bon bon do you remember me too? I am remembering several of the lovely people of who you talk about.
The best one by far away was Rosepetal. She was most very generous with her goodness and the extreme hospitality.
I wish the JustChat many more years of arranging the dates with members and fixing up the good time for all.
Adeboje Mwambi replied to the topic GLASGOW MEET in the board Off topic chat 17 years, 7 months ago
What is this Glasgow meat please? Here in Nigeria we have goat and meat from the fat cows, is this same as Glasgow?
Adeboje Mwambi replied to the topic Unusual Tattoos in the board Off topic chat 17 years, 7 months ago
Dear Mr Ugo I see that you have the honoured position of JC Village Idiot that has been awarded to you by Mr Martin.
He is clearly a wise man and he know many things.
We also have a village idiot her in my village in Yobi State in Nigeria. it is most saddening that he have got ill and cannot do his work too much so we have to say to him…[Read more]
Adeboje Mwambi replied to the topic Hello to All! in the board Off topic chat 17 years, 7 months ago
Venerable Sunny, the men of my village are awaiting for you to come for them and they will fill your belly with plenty Nigerian meat.
Adeboje Mwambi replied to the topic Here’s one that has everyone baffled in the board Technical Q&A 17 years, 7 months ago
Dear Mr John’s boy, I have read of your plight and can honestly say that this happen all the time here in Nigeria.
We have many bad men who steal the softlyware from the Microsoft and try to cheat in this way as you did too. They do not get caught too often by Mr Gates and his henchmen.
Recently this bad man Gates has been installing a piece of…[Read more]
Adeboje Mwambi replied to the topic Hello to All! in the board Off topic chat 17 years, 7 months ago
Dear and honoured Sunny, Thank to you for your speedy reply to my plea. We can give you the assurance that you can travel in the clothes that you stand in no problem.
This track suit you wear sounds most smart and may be too smart for us humble people. We shall provide you with the fine cloth for to make you the dresses to wear here. Please do…[Read more]
Adeboje Mwambi replied to the topic A FAMILY IN NEED in the board Getting serious 17 years, 7 months ago
Dear lady in distress. My heart has been very toughed by your position. here in Nigeria we have the poorness too. Your husband must be a big big man with plenty strength as you have five children. This is very brave.
We too have the bugs in some of the homes in the village but the lucky family get to catch them and they are to be eaten. these…[Read more]
Adeboje Mwambi replied to the topic Lets all help Adeboje Mwambi pull a fat bird on the site. in the board Polls 17 years, 7 months ago
She will enjoy a goodly portion of best Nigerian meat Mr Tommy I can promise to you like this.
Soon she will want no other meat but the best stuffing Nigeria can give her. We have goats, chickens and many cocks and we can let her take her choice of the cocks for her appetite.
Adeboje Mwambi replied to the topic Hello to All! in the board Off topic chat 17 years, 7 months ago
You speak the truth Mr Tommy like this. I do not know this Stevenage f – is she really a woman? Perhaps the ”f” refers to fat so how does she not call herself Stevenage fat?
The mad Batwoman and her spare parts is most unusual and she can make us go in our lorry very well. The Sunny and the Cath woman are both exceedingly fat and will be made…[Read more]
Adeboje Mwambi replied to the topic Should we stop fatties from eating in public? in the board Getting serious 17 years, 7 months ago
@HermanGRRRman! wrote:
How the f00k do you get access to the internet living in a mud hut ffs? How do you generate the electricity you need for it? *Smileys Goat springs to mind* :lol:
My freind Mr German you are most correct in what you say but our Chief he have a big connection with the Yobi State and he allow us to use his electric which he…[Read more]
Adeboje Mwambi replied to the topic Hello to All! in the board Off topic chat 17 years, 7 months ago
Mr Tommy, this makes much sadness for me to say this thing to you. But here in Nigeria we are stopped from putting the meat in the manhole.
In this same way we are not to fill a man’s animals either because this might spoil his meal later when he is to feed himsefl and his wifes on it.
So you good friend Mr Snoopy cannot be incorporated within…[Read more]
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