Adeboje Mwambi replied to the topic Lets all help Adeboje Mwambi pull a fat bird on the site. in the board Polls 17 years, 7 months ago
Mr Tommy, I am mostly indebted to you for your much kindnesses and frequent advices.
I am willing to share with you (in total confidence of course) the commission I shall be receiving from my good freind and business accomplice in this way.
This crazy Batwoman is only going tor a rooster and a chicken and not for goats. If I share this with you…[Read more]
Adeboje Mwambi replied to the topic Should we stop fatties from eating in public? in the board Getting serious 17 years, 7 months ago
Miss Calire (and all of Mr Tommy’s fat cargo) I know that you and the other fat women are much worried for the living so this is a picture of my village:
You can see the good luxury that we all enjoy with each other.
And this is the home of my good freind and business accomplice Chief Ogubuna.
You can see that we spare no cost for the…[Read more]
Adeboje Mwambi replied to the topic Should we stop fatties from eating in public? in the board Getting serious 17 years, 7 months ago
Miss Claire this is a good thing because my good friend and business accomplice Ogubuna he is a very jealous man.
If he take you to his wifes then he not let any other man put the Nigerian meat inside you and only he shall feed you in this way.
But it is most important that you are one of the fat ones – you say chubby I think. Chief Ogubuna he…[Read more]
Adeboje Mwambi replied to the topic Lets all help Adeboje Mwambi pull a fat bird on the site. in the board Polls 17 years, 7 months ago
Yes I have seen of this Batwoman but I think she is a bit mad – yes?
It is good she have a big car so we can use it for spares to keep the village lorry in health.
My humble home is big by your wonderful UK’s standard because I have the land stretching all the way to the river bank. Here we have all the food a man can need and we can catch the…[Read more]
Adeboje Mwambi replied to the topic Should we stop fatties from eating in public? in the board Getting serious 17 years, 7 months ago
Hello Miss Claire will you be with the others for the place on my cousin’s boat?
Please do not be afraid for your age because we always know how to like the older fat ones too. My second wifes she is close to 61 and she likes to have the good exercise with my other wifes too.
My good freind and business accomplice Ogubuna is needing an old fat…[Read more]
Adeboje Mwambi replied to the topic Should we stop fatties from eating in public? in the board Getting serious 17 years, 7 months ago
Thank you for this kindness in the directions to my cousin Mr Tommy and I will see that everything is going to our plan with him
I hope that the fat ones you speak of so highly are very fat with the Michelin tyres around them and the legs like the beer casks.
We know in our village how the fat ones must be treated and we will feed them very well…[Read more]
Adeboje Mwambi replied to the topic Should we stop fatties from eating in public? in the board Getting serious 17 years, 7 months ago
Mr Tommy this is no problem for me to solve. My cousin Mbotu is the owner of a TLC – you call this a Tank Landing Craft in your country. He use it for ferrying the cattle up and down the great Nigerian waterways.
I am sure if he is treated with respect and paid he will sail it to your beautiful Yorkshire and collect these cargo of what you talk…[Read more]
Adeboje Mwambi replied to the topic Lets all help Adeboje Mwambi pull a fat bird on the site. in the board Polls 17 years, 7 months ago
Hello my good friend Mr Austrian fox – it is very good that you like me and want bto help me to get more fat women.
I have been looking at the photos of women on this Forum 3 and have been most highly impressed by how fat they all are. Can you my freind make some good introduction for me to have?
My intention are honourable and I promise not to…[Read more]
Adeboje Mwambi replied to the topic Should we stop fatties from eating in public? in the board Getting serious 17 years, 7 months ago
My dear Mr Tommy and Mr John and all my good freinds in this marvellous JustChat site, I am much sadder now that you have said the things that you did in not liking the fat ones.
In my village we love the large women and venerate them as for the bountiful fat cows. They bring out much activity in the man and they know what to do if he is…[Read more]
Adeboje Mwambi replied to the topic Lets all help Adeboje Mwambi pull a fat bird on the site. in the board Polls 17 years, 8 months ago
My dear freinds of the JustChats. I am humbly indebted to all of you for taking much interest in my poor fortune. I am not a rich man but can afford some nice things for all my good freinds.
It is true that fat women (you say plump or cuddley I think) are much sought after here in my village and having one is a prize to be proud of for a man.
It…[Read more]
Adeboje Mwambi replied to the topic Plenty of money for all my friends in JustChat in the board Off topic chat 17 years, 8 months ago
Dear sister Cath. This dressing that you say you know about, is it to do with the manhood?
I have no wish to become over personal with a large and fine lady such as yourself but I have no complaints with this dressing. Here it is hot and all men wear loose cloths to protect themselves and for the modesty. (A man’s meat must only be seen by his…[Read more]
Adeboje Mwambi replied to the topic Plenty of money for all my friends in JustChat in the board Off topic chat 17 years, 8 months ago
@fastcars wrote:
If it was goats he was after he would have registered on the RSPCA site. As it is… hes after fat women….. thats why hes registered here.. 8)
Mr fast cars my Dutch freind you are most assuredly correct in what you say. Here in Nigeria we do not plant our seeds into wild animals and goats are for eating only. I do not know…[Read more]
Adeboje Mwambi replied to the topic Plenty of money for all my friends in JustChat in the board Off topic chat 17 years, 8 months ago
@HermanGRRRman! wrote:
Adeboje Mwambi why don’t you speak to a chatter called emmalush?
She has a passion for Africans and I’m sure she will be happy to become your 15th wife.Dear Mr Hermann (you a German man yes?), thank you for your most kind informations. This Emma you speak of much highly, I hope that she is fat and likes Nigerian men.
Many…[Read more]
Adeboje Mwambi replied to the topic Plenty of money for all my friends in JustChat in the board Off topic chat 17 years, 8 months ago
My dear freinds in JustChatters,
Please for me to explain my kind offer to you all. No, I dont want to be having your personal matters or your secure numbers.
I can make us all some money with this propostion from my excellent cousin and good freind Adamu Attah. Yes I would want for me to be receiving my just desserts as well from this golden…[Read more]
Adeboje Mwambi replied to the topic TFIF in the board Off topic chat 19 years, 2 months ago
My wifes say to me that you have The Queen in the Great England also is known as ”Elton” and that this ”Elton” got married in Windsor by the famous castle.
There were many many other queens there too but only the ”Elton” was the main queen for today.
They also tell that Queen ”Elton” is most experienced at the blowing and have put a…[Read more]
Adeboje Mwambi replied to the topic TFIF in the board Off topic chat 19 years, 2 months ago
Mrs Sian – your fame has spread as far to Nigeria where the many women of my village have been encouraged by your great and good example to eat the men for breakfast, lunch, and tea.
Now they are complaining as they say this is too small and the are used to bigger and it is also not sunburnt as they have got used…[Read more]
Adeboje Mwambi replied to the topic SIGN MY FRIENDSHIP BOOK in the board Off topic chat 19 years, 8 months ago
I would wish to take the privilege to add the sign to the esteemed Mr ForumHostNM friendship book and to hope frevently for him to have many blessings from the loins.
Adeboje Mwambi replied to the topic A day for rejoicing to everybody here in the board Off Topic Chat 19 years, 8 months ago
Good Morning Miss Kylee and you are in the usual way of the argument yes? My Chief, Dr Femi Asegun, is correct in his opinion I think about the American wifes.
I am most anxious to learn of your culture as many of my countrymen are belief you have one. If the American wifes are lazy and not do the cooking and the cleaning for the house is it true…[Read more]
Adeboje Mwambi replied to the topic A day for rejoicing to everybody here in the board Off topic chat 19 years, 8 months ago
Miss Kylee I see you are from America now in your messages and want to assure you that we do not matter this against you too much. It is not our fault that your countrymen get robbed in Lagos. Here in Yobe State we are nice people and are not the bad men who do these things. We like fat cows here.
My Chief Dr Femi Asegun he says he do not want…[Read more]
Adeboje Mwambi replied to the topic English wifes for Nigeria in the board Off topic chat 19 years, 8 months ago
@AbitofMary_J wrote:
lmfao… there’s a few Coo’s over here as well lol
OI,,,,, ur RACISTS BTW……. ADEBOJE……!!!!!!!
ENGLISH…… what aboot the Scottish… feckin ENGLISH….
Miss Abito thank you for this and I see your name you are Nigerian also as you are a Scottish Coo yes?
I read about this place called Scottish on Google and you…[Read more]
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