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  • #135724

    candy kane whats ur old chatter name again… Nathan for the 1st time have i heard him cry… he’s a brilliant baby… soo alert, smilin from 2 days… holdin head up… i thought wee boys slower that girls as my kait very ahead of herself as baby even now.. so it broke my heart plus i threw up lol i passed out at kait’s lol

    glad tyler doin well… Nathan was the 8th july.. Tyler a June baby wasnt he..??


    its a nightmare…. u wouldnt believe have the things its in… i took a reaction to my new mobile phone motorola e50 or sumthing… its got laytex in the cover… had to go get a leather cover but still have to be carefull… even my pram got clim film round the handle bar as its got laytex in it… and i didnt realise when bought it was cheap with everthing in it didnae bother about lookin at it properly lol


    lmfao well i canny use it… im allergic to laytex lol lmfao… hense why another bairn came along…


    takes a bow @ candykane u’ll need to remind me who’s u as this a new name if im correct… but under a diff chatter name..

    yeah im a mixed accent… Mr Wolfie says i still have a east coast twang.. but ive also got a glesga twang… but also ayrshire lol stayed all over lol

    glad i make u giggle its bleedin good to giggle… i feckin giggle at myself sum dribble and verbal diahorria lol just ask ChatGuideNM im like this in the flesh lol worst probs lol


    im was a right uppertty madam… miss know it all smart ar5e lol my dress ohhhh sooo god 80’s permed long hair lmfao long pencil skirts traffic light make-up lmfao the modern romance kinda stuff lmfao… but atleast i’ll be more on the ball than my mum was… sharp as a tack with how to pull stunts etc lol doggin it etc lol GOD…. that phrase means sumthing else these days lol doggin it in oor day was to bunk aff school… to dog it lol


    lol @ PATS… here took me fe ckin ages to type it lol goin on n on n on… lol i was nearly sleepin typin it lol.. glad ur all well .. I don’t go into the rooms much… don’t normally come on here much these days… i’ll be groanin at 5.30 when the wee barra lookin for a feed lol


    yeah stevenage…. i agree…. your mother not only your mother but your very bestest friend you’ll ever have… which is soo very true… i always say to my wee lass… she what your grandma does for you and for me… see when you have kids… don’t think i’ll be doin what she does lol… but i’ll probaly do the very same like my mum and my mum will still be doin it then for me and her and her great grandkiddie…

    here i don’t have go on and on eh… here im worst in the flesh lol..


    ladies …!!!! appreciate them… their not wee for long… and are sent to test us… im dreedin my girls headin into teenage years she’s already too advanced for her 7 yr status..

    she came oot with a right belter the other day… me and Mr Wolfie near died off… she said… she when Nathans’ older u bet he goes through my knicker draws… * I was like oi where did u hear things like that being said… ragin i was… gobsmacked…. she replied… on the disney channel… lizzie maguire…. my mum said new program … so i watched it and don’t think its suitable for a 7yr old… but don’t know how to block the channel so she can’t watch it.. wee bu gger programs the box for it to come on when starts…. and half the time my grannie sleepin on the chair and me and mum busy with wee barra … she watchin it.. !!! so god knows what she’ll be like in teenage yrs… i was a nightmare my mum said lol


    AbitofMary_J shakes her ar5e in here * ( _l_ ) … ( _/_ ) .. ( _l_ ) . ( _/_ ) …. ( _l_ ) …. *


    listenin to all new mums adorin their kids… my wee barra a sheer joy 8wks 2moz… and what a wee charmer, smiler and adorable to watch his 3 big sis’s adorin and mother henning him… he wasnt planned but is soo much love and adore that i know was very much planned in the hands of fate….

    aint us mummys all blessed ….. then they grow up lol and we forget these precious moments when we adore them and wished their talkin . walkin etc…. we don’t appreciate what precious moments we have now…

    ohhh JMMOG…. honest im still off the J’s lol

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