I really don’t see why anyone should go,
Are we not adult enough to tolerate those we cannot see eye to eye with?
Lets face it we don’t actually have to live with them.
If you think this will make you popular J in France think again,
It just shows you in the same light as all the other witch hunters.
There are none so blind as those that will not see.
Btw you are all looking foolish and pathetic, not just one :roll:
I am a “Nothing” anyway …. so what anyone reading these boards think of me- quite frankly , i don’t give a toffee .
Funny really, how those that keep putting in the posts about some looking foolish and pathetic , feel that it is interesting enough to not only keep reading it , but actually post about it too .
I posted here to make a comment ……. those that don’t like it .. Tough! Thin gets away with murder on these boards …. and as it would seem is still allowed then i, as a poster and chatter , am allowed to make a comment, as well. :-k
No one is a nothing, unless a nothing is what you want to be.
But read back and see where the most venomous posts come from, And as you are allowed to comment so is anyone else, we are all entitled to our opinions as you always state.. whether they are right or wrong. And yes I will continue reading the boards, Thats why they are here surely? to be read? :lol: :o :( :D :shock:
I’m just following the theory that if you ‘give someone enough rope’ etc ….
Even I’m a little shocked at the new levels stooped to and nastiness on here at the moment ….
I’d rather have no part in it!
Wise woman Boojangle,
I did mean the posters in the last few posts who seem to be determined to make themselves laughing stocks not everyone who posts.
I must make myself clearer in future.
However I do find it gives a good insight to the “real” people behind the nicknames.
Some very tense people out there lol.