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  • #485150

    Gawd who rattled her cage :roll:


    Warmest 18th of december recorded 17.0c Aber 1972

    Today in 1683 was the day that the longest frost on record started and hence began Britains coldest recorded winter.Dover and Calais are joined for the first time since the last ice age. The Thames freezes for two months.In Somerset the ground freezes to a depth of 3 feet.The winter forms part of a pronounced cool period in the northern hemisphere known as the little ice age, the severest stage of which is between 1650 and 1850.


    But you couldnt wait otherwise you would of missed the 8.53am southbound and had to wait for the 9.12am which involved changing trains and heading east along the central line which meant you would of missed your connection to the waterloo and city line. :lol:


    Is there no communication between dept A and dept B, its the same dinosaur. When dept A writes to you asking if you could ask dept B how much they paid you and then let dept A know,just walk the 20 yards and ask them.The perils of being self employed and paye creates a life full of bureaucracy.

    Anyway the frilly shirt and tight trousers are going on as certy is about to boogie down.

    More than a certy, more than a certy to me shoobi doobi doobi more than a la la


    good answer :lol:


    yeh but i bet you only gave him half a fag cos you cant smoke in the tube :wink:

    I dont think the soldier would of had time to think about salvation or awards. which makes me think would you throw yourself on a grenade jen to protect the poor folks in jc :lol:


    what about a soldier throwing himself on a grenade to protect his comrades.


    I wouldnt say that jen, i know there are probably many mystery donors to charities who like to stay anonymous, but i wouldnt think any less of them if they publicised it.
    It can also make a difference to our own level of self satisfaction.I dont mean throwing a fiver to someone in the street makes me feel less guilty about having a million in the bank, but it can make us appreciate how fortunate we are in life and give us some perspective.


    I think i would help any close friend of mine but i was thinking more about complete strangers, say a man in the street begging for money.


    we know it shouldnt be but was it?

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