@ironduke wrote:
@a certain sadness wrote:
I like your answers tin tin lol. But termy was totally correct in how the second goal was scored.
The first goal is simpler as he scores a goal then the ref blows for half time, the ref would then pick the ball up and respot after the break. The player would then kick off for the second half.I worked with an ex professional ref once and he told me this was one of his questions for the exam. Anyway by telling you the answer ive killed the thread lol.
This cant be right, as the player would have to pass the ball from the kick off to another player, otherwise the ball is not ‘live’ in play. For him to score a second goal, another player MUST have touched the ball……
If the first player just touched the ball from kick off and then an opposing player steamed in and fouled him, it would still be a free kick regardless of whether the second player had touched it.You could say he could score 3 goals if you add my answer to termys answer about the own goal. The own goal, then the goal before half time and then from kick off.