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  • #478587

    Can i private message you tinks wanted to ask you something?


    Firstly i saw your apology best man, ty, but there was really no need.Ive been around here long enough to know we all have to let our frustrations out sometimes,im just as guilty as the next person.
    On to the thread. In my opinion i really dont see the need for popularity contests as we all have a voice in here thats worth hearing.I must admit there are some ppl in here who submit wonderful posts and im thankful to them for making thought provoking comments.
    I do get emotionally attached in an internet way to ppl easily and i feel a bond with a couple of ppl in here, but shhhh dont tell them as i dont want to scare them off lol.You never know best man you might be next lol.
    For some of us who dont have that special person to share our thoughts and feelings with this place is the next best thing.
    So i vote for everyone.


    @nemesis wrote:

    I absolutely adore reading these kind of threads, I so often want to reply but never seem to find the words, so keep quiet.

    sadness, if only you knew how a lot of what you post affects me, and how profound they are x

    As for knowing what you want, for me it`s always been, and will be an elusive thing. Something you can always sense but never pin down.

    jen, you are a very wise woman and I came so close to sending you a pm the other night, would love your take on something, so could I?

    Thank you nemesis your words touched me. x But please dont keep quiet, we value your opinions.


    @jen_jen wrote:

    You don’t know what it is that you really want until you find it, and when you do find it it’s often the last thing you were expecting in the place you were least expecting it…but suddenly you know, this is it, and you feel complete.

    I like your posts jen they always get me thinking.


    Nice thread jen

    I think its easy to walk past with your head down, but i would have to intervene if it was serious. Luckily im tall so kids are scared of me. 8)


    @eve wrote:

    true friends share laughter, wine, sadness and heartbeats.

    who are you thinking of sharing me with eve :)


    @best man wrote:

    jealous mrs t? nah no way you have been her long enough to see my 2835 posts cruelly taken away from me,thats why i refuse to put any pics,songs,images,poems in here,im very quiet in here normally,i think you know the room i spout off in and air my views and stuff,anyway lucy and mrs t am i not allowed to put my opinions or constructive criticism in here?

    Hermaphrodite creature is constructive criticism? lol. Nah its def jealousy my old flower.


    @best man wrote:

    dont start having a pop at me,well you can if you want,but this certain sadness hemaphrodite creature is beginning to irritate me.all these threads he/she is putting on we have had them all before.

    Well your probably right mr or mrs cosy whoever you are. Maybe its time to move on.By the way its herm not hem.


    @mrs_teapot wrote:

    Well I thought a certain sadness was male…. no idea why :? I do think that sadness has brought a freshness to the boards… and I love all your new threads :D

    Anyway to answer your question, first i try not to judge people so I can only tell you that for me an affair is not possible, its not the fact that you would be doing “it” with another person…. for me it would be living with continuous lies in your everyday life…… not just to your husband but to your friends and family too.

    Also what about the person who you have the affair with… its likely he would also be living a lie… nope for me personally it would be too stressful. I do think though its each to his own…. and some couples have good marriages even though one or both have affairs…. thats their business.

    Thank you for your kind words mrs teapot x

    PS I am male


    Are you that harsh with the angel cards jen :shock:

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