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  • #477654

    @nemesis wrote:

    Are you a hypnotist?

    Yes nemesis and your under my spell. :D


    Head for piccalilli circus and listen for the smooth sound of the sax.


    @eve wrote:

    Dont know where Ronnie Scotts is ?

    Frith street in soho,london eve.


    @thin ice wrote:

    jazz is for old people
    why is it when you say i dont like jazz
    some one says some thing cras like
    oh it depends on what type of jazz it is
    b ollocks
    accept it
    i dont like any type of jazz :P

    There are many types of jazz thin.Trad, bebop, modern to name a few.It has its good and bad like most types of music.


    @eve wrote:

    @a certain sadness wrote:

    you need the right person to introduce you to jazz nemesis. :wink:

    That u do :)

    Dennis Quaid did it for me :)

    I have always wanted to visit one of those underground Jazz clubs

    ronnie scotts is always worth a visit eve


    “blue in green” by miles davis is ideal for this weather.


    you need the right person to introduce you to jazz nemesis. :wink:


    Its monday tinks and its windy and raining


    @jadey wrote:

    norris aka thin ice the room and boards gossip

    ok thank you jadey :wink:


    @tinks wrote:

    check the :

    taps are off
    the fridge is shut
    the light switches have no dust on them
    nothing where it shouldn’t be
    no drips around the sink
    T-Towel must be just so on the rail
    flannels must be folded in half then half again
    bed must be made perfectly
    curtains so much in on the rail
    front door step must be spotless
    cutlery must be just so in the drawer
    ear rings should be hung in pairs on rail in box


    I need help

    Geez tinks ill ring an ambulance for you :)

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