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  • #480783

    Yes she was mrs teapot thank you for taking the time to write x

    In the end i had to use the sleeping draught on myself, have been zonked out all weekend dreaming of clouds and elephants.

    Theres no sign of tola at the moment, she went to london on friday evening and we havnt seen her since.I thought when she arrived she would telling me stories of die kaap van goeie hoop and the soweto townships, but its been all about lewisham high street where she has a flat.

    If you look at page 8 of your just chat nightwear catalogue you will see a lovely chemise in both black and red with a choice of writing on the back.I find the one with forum 3 on the back rather sexy.

    I fear we may of got mixed up with the spells as the phallic reduction spell was what i was after.The candle you sent was being loaded on a flat bed trailer to be returned to you today, i hope you didnt mind me removing the wick as we needed a new washing line.

    I was reading about some of the tricks the show hypnotists used to use yesterday.A classic was when they had someone up on stage they whispered to the person that if they went along with it they would pay them money after the show.Once the person pretended they were under the hypnotist would tell the audience that when he was back with them the person would lie and tell everyone that they were being paid.The person had no way out of it.

    Of course the jen and certain hypnosis clinic will be nothing like that.In every walk of life you always get the con artists.Its something that does interest me though and i look forward to spending many hours under your guidance.Im so demanding x

    The weather is not good here today hence me writing to you at this time,hopefully if it clears up later i might make the effort.

    Please someone give me a motivation tablet x


    Well im in a reflective mood at the moment as our manager at work passed away today.She had fought cancer for a long while, but still worked right up until 2 weeks ago.I used to have a good laugh with her in the office, doing my impressions whilst she was giggling.I feel sad for her 2 teenage daughters and husband and send them my good wishes for the future x


    Bliddy 3 of you now, i got no chance :roll:


    wb annette, thins been lost without you. :)


    sneaks back as jen thinks ive gone :)


    A threesome would be fine :shock:


    I dont think i have the stamina for yourself and lucy so will call it quits now :wink:


    The certain and anc macabre book club.Will swap stories with you when finished. 8)


    @flame wrote:

    getting ready for bed cos jc is total crap just lately
    think its time for me to go AWOL again n get a life

    Its what you make of it :roll:



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