Dear reader
Things have been quite busy for me recently, thats the trouble in doing too many different jobs.I think next year i would just like to do one job.
Have finally sorted out the tunes for the wedding, my, they have some strange tastes.I must say i was happy with them after reading their last e mail, as they stated they definetly didnt want any robbie williams.I do find the man rather overated, there are so many talented people who never get to grace our lives.
They are having indian food for the main meal and have kindly told the chefs to make 2 extra portions for when we arrive mmmm.The place itself does look wonderful, its an old converted barn with stone floors and wooden beams, so the acoustics should be good.
I learnt how to levitate last night, so was showing them all at work today, they thought it was rather cool.Of course i was talking about the david blane trick.I really need to know how he put his hand through a window and took a watch from a jewellers.If anyone knows please post, would be appreciated.
Im going to rest for a while now then go for a 20 mile bike ride.x