now now missus Echo . . . .
I’ve attempted endless jottings, and screwed each one up in frustration, thinking them self-indulgent and trite. They never made a waste paper basket big enough for me. So I live by the Golden Rule and try and treat others as I’d like to be dealt with myself.
Which causes no end of trouble.
You’re better than this. Dig deeper before deciding upon the ‘submit’ button. Are you being completely accurate to your sensibilities or would an extra five minutes have helped ? That’s all I’m saying. The space between your shoulders is where the wings should be. What use are honeyed words of ‘ fantastic echo, brilliant, your photo is now on my toilet-seat’ . . . . . . . ? ?
Exactly. Only the harshest criticism can help you at this hour. So come on ! – it’s utter garbage – you can do it ! – we can slit wrists to a different mediocrity – everyone’s behind you ! – fgs delete your account – go girl go !
I really couldn’t be more positive.