Look at the risk of getting shot down in flames and ostricised to an equal degree…. why don’t you all just get over it!?!?!?!?! CHRIST there is enough beatching in this world without it infiltrating cyber space. All our lives are hard enough….
And i tell you now…. regardless of peoples views…. if you are nice to them they will after a while also be nice….. back stabbing, beatching and general unpleastenness is such a waste of energy and time.
Look at the risk of getting shot down in flames and ostricised to an equal degree…. why don’t you all just get over it!?!?!?!?! CHRIST there is enough beatching in this world without it infiltrating cyber space. All our lives are hard enough….
And i tell you now…. regardless of peoples views…. if you are nice to them they will after a while also be nice….. back stabbing, beatching and general unpleastenness is such a waste of energy and time.
Why dont u put a sock in it.
We’ll backstab. bit.ch and be unpleasant if we like. If you dont like it then sod off. :P