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  • #410555

    This is a ramble and a half btw :shock:

    I kind of thought back to when I joined JC (not that long btw!) and how I felt logging in for the first time. A regs room is a good idea yet it was the regs who made me log back in for the humour and the banter.

    If all the regs are in a separate room and a new chatter logs in a) Will they bother to come back b) If they do how will they ever get to be a reg and c) what is a true reg anyway?

    You would have 2 sets of regs the ones who pay and a new set of regs who don’t pay. Will the twain ever meet?

    Will you ever get new regs? There was an open room when the 50 max rooms were around which was called a regs room. It was used and it also meant that nobody was excluded including new regs.

    The key problem is that you have a few sad eejits who want to cause hassle. Not the few people who have fallen out with others…the vendettas or the few who reading the text feel a little paranoid and react accordingly. We all have bad days and bad moments! However the eejits whose behaviour is precipitated by anger/exclusion/personality disorder and gawd knows what else cause the greatest problem in JC. Oh and I forgot about the ones with wooden, silver and gold plated wooden spoons :roll:

    The majority are there for the banter and the laugh or maybe I’m wrong and it’s the sex and the asl’s that keep them there! :idea:

    A vote to get into a room? 70% majority and they’re in? 70%majority and they’re automatically chucked out? Nope not a good idea either!!

    The lobby used to be full of people who chose not to be in a room but to be in a lobby in private chat. When the lobby became a room, everyone was so worried they missed anything,. They all stayed in the lobby and didn’t go into any of the other rooms :lol: Maybe the lobby could go back to what it was for those who don’t want to use the chat rooms or maybe this is what JC tried to eradicate? :?:

    Anyhoo I think after rambling for Scotland …. JC should be FREE choice for all and I kind of think it should stay like that with a Regs room of course where anyone can choose to go to. I would guess that if a room has ‘regs’ in it then they are well able to cope with the minority who are out to cause hassle!

    What a hotchpotch of society JC is 8)
    Good luck with whatever you decide :)


    Wilma’s post might have been a ramble but she said everything I’ve been thinking and trying to put into words constructively – apart from
    @wilma wrote:

    Maybe the lobby could go back to what it was for those who don’t want to use the chat rooms or maybe this is what JC tried to eradicate? :?:

    I first came into JC when it was like this. I soon got fed up with the pm’s in the lobby so I wandered into the rooms. I tried several times, and just couldn’t get accepted. I was on the verge of giving up chatting when the format changed. Suddenly the barriers were broken down and everyone was chatting, and it became a more welcoming place with humour and banter, and for better or worse I stayed. I still don’t like the rooms, they’re too slow and dare I say cliquey, I like the hubbub and buzz of the lobby, the mix of regulars and new people, and even the lurkers and pervs! Yes it can be intimidating for new people, but so can a regulars room. It’s up to us to welcome them and make them feel at home, and that means not letting some people grill them mercilessly. A chat site is only as good as its chatters, whatever the format that’s adopted.

    When the room limits came in I stayed in the lobby – it lost it’s buzz but someone had to still be there to meet and greet the newbies! Besides, the lobby to me is a bit like the kitchen at a party…where all the interesting people end up!

    As for stopping the troublemakers, I just don’t see how it will stop that. You just have to look at one well-known chatter who must own about 50 names by now, if not more! To me it feels like elitism and segregation, and that’s not something I’m comfortable with.

    So for me it’s a thumbs down.


    This is a heads you win tails you lose situation, whilst a registered forum is a great idea for those who want to chat together, but, I dont know about anyone else, this place is also social networking site, and, whilst its great to chat with old freinds on here, its also nice to make new ones.

    On the other hand, I have joined register only forums, but, would have been put off by any charge? not as I’m tight or owt lol, just so many free chat rooms around there seems no need to pay, although, having said that, I do pay to register my name.

    just my two penneth worth GM lol xxx


    Instead of a separate forum couldn’t you just put a room in one forum ( or all 3 forums ) that you can only enter if your name is registered.

    You could use the password system that is already in place for people who have their names registered. Or is this a money making exercise and therefore would people have to pay once to register their chatnames and again to access the ‘ special’ room or forum ? I have , for a number of years , paid to register my name in chat for two reasons , firstly to prevent the name being used by other people to cause trouble ( i prefer to be responsible for my own trouble making :) ) and secondly to financially support the site . I don’t think I would be prepared to pay again to use a registered users only forum or room.

    If you put it in a new forum then i don’t see it getting used, as people will still go back to the forums they are used to using, to chat to people that will inevitably stay there . They won’t want to think they are missing anything in their old forum. A forum solely for registered chatters would get a bit stale i think . It is chatting to new people that usually provides the variety in chatrooms. How would newer chatters know what the registered forum is like and whether they wanted to join if they never get the opportunity to chat to the people within it ?

    I can see the benefits of a room for registered chatters as a place to escape scrollers etc but not an entire forum and not if it means paying another subscription on top of name registration.

    Theres my tuppence worth .


    @will wrote:

    pete just chat has always been free. why start to pay now? the reeson ppl like it so much is cos its free and easey to use.

    and we dnt all prat about.

    Not directed at will but taking up his comments …..

    Very true but quite a few have bumped their gums about trouble with clones. If you register your name (ie pay your £5) you can’t be cloned – simple concept really. :wink:
    £5 a year equates to 10p a week thereabouts.

    I think everyone should be registered to use the site because unless you are up to no good I don’t see what the problem is but, that’s just my opinion. :wink:


    @sarah_1 wrote:

    @will wrote:

    pete just chat has always been free. why start to pay now? the reeson ppl like it so much is cos its free and easey to use.

    and we dnt all prat about.

    Not directed at will but taking up his comments …..

    Very true but quite a few have bumped their gums about trouble with clones. If you register your name (ie pay your £5) you can’t be cloned – simple concept really. :wink:
    £5 a year equates to 10p a week thereabouts.

    I think everyone should be registered to use the site because unless you are up to no good I don’t see what the problem is but, that’s just my opinion. :wink:

    Except I did register my name and still got cloned because ppl use the capital i as an l so i contacted and got it sorted out but not before someone had been in telling everyone i was a gay man lol unlucky!


    Yeah ok Mel, point taken – but they try & clone & the regs pick up on the slight variation.
    sarah-1 used to come in the room trying to cause trouble.

    The regs sussed & anyone that “knew” me knew by the chat style it wasn’t me.


    I think it would be unfair for the folk who have gone to the trouble of registering their log in name to have to pay again I agree with Wilma


    @catmanblue wrote:

    I think it would be unfair for the folk who have gone to the trouble of registering their log in name to have to pay again I agree with Wilma

    A suggested proposal is that the new forum is only open to new and existing registered chat names – so if you already have a registered name, you won’t need to pay anything extra.


    @chathostuk wrote:

    @catmanblue wrote:

    I think it would be unfair for the folk who have gone to the trouble of registering their log in name to have to pay again I agree with Wilma

    A suggested proposal is that the new forum is only open to new and existing registered chat names – so if you already have a registered name, you won’t need to pay anything extra.

    Even better (can you tell I’m a yorkshire lass) :D

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