Boards Index General discussion Off topic chat You know your living in 2008 when….

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  • #349443

    What about when ya have one of them new fangled bogs that does the economy half flush,it’s not always powerful enough to shift a stubborn log so ya end up doing three or four flushes to shift it…………false economy or what!!! :roll:

    Remember ….. i don’t foookin care


    Number 10… :oops: I know sad!! But im a nosy B**tard. :P

    Off for a cuppa now. :wink:


    @reason wrote:

    What about when ya have one of them new fangled bogs that does the economy half flush,it’s not always powerful enough to shift a stubborn log so ya end up doing three or four flushes to shift it…………false economy or what!!! :roll:

    Remember ….. i don’t foookin care

    so true Ive got two. the one downstairs is rubbish. if youve used more than half a sheet of loo roll it wont flush it away. the one upstairs is fine though!

    I always press both buttons anyway, and sometimes I press them twice out of spite and say “so there ner ner!” :lol: like anybody is watching…. lol

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