Boards Index General discussion Off topic chat Xfactor topic gone

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  • #5257

    could have sworn I put a topic here yesterday about xfactor but now it seems to have disappeared???



    @cn wrote:

    It’s here:

    Whats it doing there :?: :roll: :wink: :P


    Perhaps because it is hardly ‘Just Chat News’ – post in the relevant topics and we dont need to move threads ;)

    (This thread moved to General Gossip)


    @chathostuk wrote:

    Perhaps because it is hardly ‘Just Chat News’ – post in the relevant topics and we dont need to move threads ;)

    (This thread moved to General Gossip)

    While your there Martin, can we plz have a rollling around on floor laughing and a yawn emoticon please :?: :P :wink:


    just a post to say very sorry for breaching ‘just chat’ etiquette.

    I realised my mistake after the fact



    @foxie68 wrote:

    just a post to say very sorry for breaching ‘just chat’ etiquette.

    I realised my mistake after the fact


    dont worry, there are far worse breaches than yours lol!!!!


    de ja vu… I see you lot are back then! :lol:

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

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