Boards Index General discussion Off topic chat X Factor waffle thread – it goes on and on and on zzzzzzz !!

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    Mart being an Aussie obviously doesnt have a good command of the “English” language.


    so guys, is the general consensus that we are staying here?? can we have a vote or sumthing, so i know where to come in the future please???


    flossie I was PL – got kicked off for wasting posts – I think!!

    Bit of fun between us and the 4tune fans on Friday

    Mods were a bit too serious – didn’t like us having fun!!


    so flossie are you flossie?
    sojak are you sojak?
    wheres ursula?

    reiley roo is the same……


    o yeah, i was involved in that, i got kicked of for the same thing as you, i kept writing mike mike mike over and over again on the 4tune thread!!


    the mods where just getting ridiculous…deleting absolutely anything?!


    yeh im the same flossie as the flossie on x factor


    princess lost = sojak

    the mods must take life as it comes here if they are letting mart bring bad community vibes all the time

    not like those nazi mods on xfactor

    groupee – they need take an e – the type you get in food addatives of couse


    hi sunny!!! thanks 4 sticking up 4 us.

    To all the others, i used to be wriggles but got “suspended” because i was trying to say something on one of the threads and it kept disappearing, nothing nasty or anything, so i tied again once more and then i got suspended!! so i came back as reiley roo but just could not say a word, really frustrating really.

    TO U ALL….If u get booted come on here and let us know, at least i know where u have gone. No search parties!!!! lol


    LOL friendly folks around here!!

    Reileyroo you were wriggles weren’t you?

    We’ll have to keep popping back to get Ursula. Maybe she’s still nursing last nights hangover and hasn’t checked in yet.

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