Boards Index General discussion Off topic chat X Factor waffle thread – it goes on and on and on zzzzzzz !!

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  • #168508

    im here ursula. so hows the baby? :D


    Hello, glad I suceeded in my mission, i knew you would be on during the day, so I said I would find you. I couldnt tell you the website because they kept deleting the posts if you mention another site, Foxie, chelsea and sojak have changed names so many times to try find the rest of the wafflers.


    @kentlass19 wrote:

    oh my f’ucking god… is this, invasion of the numpties??

    Wassup Kentlass – don’t you want any new users????


    I missed the show on Saturday because of the freebie night out with the ones from work. So i taped it, and in a severely hungover state watched it back on Sunday morning. Thought I was drunk, but knew Louis would vote off Maria, really expected Simon to boot off Conways


    is there any one else we need to contact on the x factor site. i told you im a bit thick today.


    What the hell are numpties?????
    We are a group of people who met on the X factor message boards, we keep getting deleted because we wanted to chat about life in general and the mods there wouldnt let us. So we have come on here to stay in contact so we can say what we like. No harm intended.


    I dont know, you will have to ask the others when we are all back on here tonight about 8 or 9.


    I’m not going back on that x factor board, I missed the night that it all went belly up, all I know is that there was competition to see who could get to 100 pages first and people got booted off and had to come back under different names. Took me a while to cop on that it was them i was talking to.


    I will find out tonight from the others what happened. Have to go get baby ready to take her out. Will waffle some more tonight.


    i know i went on saturday night and was havin problems gettin my messages to show up. i gave up in the end. my little girl wanted to go on and i told her not to bother as people was gettin kicked off. thanks a lot for coming to find me im really grateful

Viewing 10 posts - 191 through 200 (of 993 total)

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