Boards Index General discussion Getting serious WWF supports animal testing and hunting

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  • #245388

    @cath 55 wrote:

    @fergie50 wrote:

    @rubyred wrote:

    sorry to go “off” topic here,,but are Fergie and d.o.a related by any chance ??

    No not at tall, in answer to question, i think all murder and scum bags

    should be used for, alkind of things like aids and in cure able diseases,,,,, ok “”””” top off the list for , experiment should be *pea a file* ok and rapist of young and old women. “”””””””””””””””{paedophile]

    and leave the poor animals alone,,,,,, ok ps there enough off them, to go around

    don’t u agree, miss red shoes,,,,,,,,why bother with animal when we can have a real human to try thing on,,,,,,,,,,,,,we keep them in prison why not make them pay, 4 there , bad deeds,,,,,,,,,,,ok

    with helping the human race, fight diseases, 000000000000000000000 drugs lol

    woctcha fergie how you doin (soz i know i know off post :roll: ) hugsters fergie xx

    lol wotts this thread about. ?????????????????? hic XXXXXXX er ok


    @fergie50 wrote:

    [ lol wotts this thread about. ?????????????????? hic XXXXXXX er ok

    It is all about ”animal testing” which I think is something to do with educating animals and getting them to pass exams. Apparently you get together a collection of paedophiles and tell them that they’re animals, then you test them. The ones that fail go back to prison.

    I dread to think what the ones get who pass the test.

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