@~Pebbles~ wrote:
well i wouldnt grass as much as it p.isses me off that i work for a living while dossers get paid for nowt. BUT if someone fu.cked me off and i knew they were claiming benefit on the sly i would deffo get my own back :wink: 8)
Best get a LARGE Notebook and a supply of pens.
Just go into Forum 3 on a regular basis and start compiling your list of benefit cheats.
Most of the women in there are claiming some form of benefit as their discussions often disclose.
In fact one particular (No names mentioned Superteddie sue) person actually used her benefits to pay for a trip to a meat market and a night in an hotel leaving kids at home on their bred and dripping whilst she tarted herself with one of the chat guides (Again no names mentioned hey Rob 48 aka CG). So by and by it seems that to succeed in Just Chat all you need to be is a 24/7 state parasite with a voracious appetite for shagging.