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  • #165531

    I dont remember ever saying I dont like mims. I have enjoyed her company immensly over the years. But then you were never good with facts were you…. :wink:


    Congrats mims… you’re a winner and Kev is a loser thanks to the embarrasement of Pauly being a Leeds ‘supporter’ :-k

    its news to me me n mims werent friends.


    Enough seen and said.


    @sword wrote:

    Enough seen and said.

    get with the programme loser. 8)


    You’ve just confirmed everything I ever feared about you Patricia and Pauly. You are so full of your own self importance and bullshit and so deep in your msn pit that you believe those you abuse and insult are still your ‘online buddies’. You can’t see past it. I knew you were both thick, in every sense of the word, I just didn’t know how much until now. Thanks for confirming it.

    Your very good old friend,

    Word(s) of the day… online importance


    @sword wrote:

    You’ve just confirmed everything I ever feared about you Patricia and Pauly. You are so full of your own self importance and bullshit and so deep in your msn pit that you believe those you abuse and insult are still your ‘online buddies’. You can’t see past it. I knew you were both thick, in every sense of the word, I just didn’t know how much until now. Thanks for confirming it.

    Your very good old friend,

    Word(s) of the day… online importance

    lmao. god ur funny. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


    I knew your comeback would be deep and meaningful, it’s your trademark.



    shopping spree :D :D



    But pi ssed off

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