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12 January, 2006 at 8:39 pm #181979
My photo albums and the baby record books are really important to me. I have photos stored on disk at my parents in case anything happens but the baby stuff is irreplaceable.
Things that Callum has made – I keep a lot, but cant keep everything or the house would be overflowing! :lol:
12 January, 2006 at 8:40 pm #181980@rainbowbrite wrote:
When i see how hard they try and take ages on things, i hope their parents save items. Some parents throw them in the bin on the way out :( One parent especially and it leaves me heartbroken. I know how long she has worked on some things. Oh well.
I think that is such a shame – they could at least keep them for a few weeks first so the kid fel as though it’s effort is appreciated :(
12 January, 2006 at 8:50 pm #181981I hang whatever they make up on the fridge for everyone to see for a while….but i couldnt keep it all either..(just don’t let them see me throw it away :( )
I found a card my son had made when he was five that said ” i lov my mommy the best cos shes the smartest person i know and always gives me cookies”
aww bless…now he’s fifteen and thinks I’m dumb as a bag of rocks :roll: :lol:12 January, 2006 at 8:55 pm #181982@rainbowbrite wrote:
I am just like dawny! Anything the children make for me i keep, they always make things for mum and dad and when they make something for me, i just love it. When i see how hard they try and take ages on things, i hope their parents save items. Some parents throw them in the bin on the way out :( One parent especially and it leaves me heartbroken. I know how long she has worked on some things. Oh well.
I have old love letters hidden in the wardrobe, a comfort toy is somewhere in there too! Now if i remember rightly my marbles are there as well. :D Oh lets not forget the vodka bottles, i am quite attached to my collection.
My son started pre-school last week and has been 4 times now so i have 4 lovely paintings stuck to my fridge!!! I love them.
It broke my heart though saying goodbye to him.
He sat down next to a little girl and had his back to me so i crept out!! my god when i came out of there i just wanted to cry!!! counted the mins till i could go and fetch him again.12 January, 2006 at 8:56 pm #181983Oh i don’t care what they do with it once they get it home, but i wish they would do it so i didnt see…or the child. I find stuff in our recycle box all the time with the childrens names on it.
I put time and effort into planning and sitting with the children making stuff. *sigh*
13 January, 2006 at 7:01 am #181984@pixi wrote:
What do you own that you would never part with?
My computer, I worked hard to be able to buy it 8)
13 January, 2006 at 8:49 am #181985awww it is such a shame that parents throw things away straight away.
When my kids were young my fridge and kitchen walls were always full of paintings and calendars and stuff. I ended up keeping all the cards and calendars and their favourite paintings. When they got older the kitchen looked bare.
I now have a 2 year old granddaughter and she starts nursery next year – I cant wait :D I already have pictures she has drawn for me, including a piece of paper that she scribbled on and gave to me about a year ago. I kept it and my daughter thinks I am mad, but its her first scribble and i was sooooooo pleased with it
13 January, 2006 at 9:07 am #181986puts her hand up in shame…!!!!
i don’t keep anything really shockarooney… since ive done car boots… i have a motto… if i havent used it in last 6mths it gets sold…. cards etc.. ive got a few pictures…. ive got my dad’s old footy scarfs and memrobilia..
my daughters old drawings etc… binned… after a few yrs mind …
13 January, 2006 at 9:49 am #181987I have only one of my old drawings saved (made some where in early 90’s, would you like to see it? :mrgreen: ),
others have probably gone bye-bye in some point of my life.
But… I don’t consider under 10 years old drawings old and those I still have :)13 January, 2006 at 10:12 am #181988Not really a horder……….I have a couple of keep sakes from people who are no longer here, but apart from that, I dont’ get overly sentimental.
Was at a wedding a couple of weeks ago………there were glass candle holders (obviously with candles in them :lol: ), with your name written inside of them in silver glitter. These obviously replaced the traditional place settings. Nice touch. So of course, at the end of the night, you take the glass with you as a momentum, saying ‘wasn’t that a lovely touch, blah bla’,………..candle holders will stay dutifully in the kitchen draw for the next 6 months or so……….when I come across them again, I’ll not think twice and chuck them in the bin
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